2007-10-08 04:08:16卡羅





後來,大約七月時接到薇媽寄來的信和禮物(一隻手掌大的布青娃,上頭寫著”kiss me, I’m a prince”),她說房子已經確定買主了,她和衛爹已經看好房子也確定搬家的日期,就等大家法律文件簽定






我今晚打了電話去,老人家很喜歡那個相本,電話裡一直謝謝我,提到那相本對他們的意義。我說”I’m so glad you like it”, 她和衛爹分別回應我一模一樣的話 ”like it?? We love it so much”





Dear Carol, Emily and Candy, Kate

Thank you to all of you for the lovely book that you send us, as I looked through all the pages I shed quite a few tears. There were so many shots of no 51 and in the garden with all the Spring flowers.

I miss no 51 very much and I’m trying to think in a forward positive way,
this house does not have the character and feeling of 51,
all the houses in the street are the same.
We are not as good in health now and money is running out,
selling no 51 made us some extra money.
We will be able to help the girls out as they are all struggling financially.
As you know Carol our beautiful garden at no 51 was the result of a lot of work,
we hardly ever sat down in the garden. We now have a courtyard just outside the kitchen,
which will be great in the summer if we ever do get the sun!

I just have to get some flowers in the new garden.
When I looked at the photographs of the daffodils at no 51,
I felt very sad but this house should be another beginning,
with effort I will try to make it another 51.

Your book reminded me that a house is not your own,
it is shared with love to all that visit and I’m so glad you felt as you did with us.
We felt you were our own daughters and we are so pleased to have known you and shared good times.

Before I left no 51 just four days to come have in the middle of all the packing,
I fell in the hall and fractured my hip.
I had to go into hospital and have surgery –
the fracture was pinned and I’m now walking “freely”around the house.
Recovery is slaw but I’m getting there.
I left hospital and came straight to this house so no time to grieve for 51.
Girls had to help David to move in, bless the girls they worked so hard.
I came out of hospital the day after we moved from no 51.
A very dramatic arrival at an new home.


一段寫Vicky(近年與他們同住的中國學生的事),由於一年半前去英國住在51號有相處幾天,所以薇媽都會讓我知道她的煩惱,但在此先省略,薇媽在這段最後一句寫:Vicky was with us for 2 years but it was never the same as it was with all of you.

Your parcel arrived safely to our new address.
I don’t know what X’mas will be like this year.
The girls for our Golden Wedding treated us to a week in Prague Eastern Europe in Dec.
I go back to hospital to see the consultant in Nov and hope to be cleaved to travel.
David and I went to York for a couple of days for his birthday.
I’m not doing any courses or choir this Winter and I miss everything.
I will be ok when I can drive again!

Soon I shell be able to work again on projects
but my “craft room” is still full of boxes!
All the books have to be unpacked.
Friends are visiting which is helping.

You are able to stay if you come to England,
we have four bedrooms though it’s a smaller house.

Autumn is approaching fast and the weather this year has really showed the effects of climate change.
The floods were terrible and Nottingham had a mini tornado last week,
several roofs take off and the bus depot lost its roof –
luckily all the buses had left the depot as it happened at 6:30 am.

Two little girls have moved into no 51.
Mark is a head teacher, his wife Shine is primary teacher.
The girls will love the garden at no 51.

We love you and miss you. You will always remain in our hearts.

Love Vivienne.
愛美麗 2007-10-11 21:53:03




卡羅 2007-10-10 23:25:24


【Your book reminded me that a house is not your own, it is shared with love to all that visit 】

it is not the one we lost it forever, it is the great memory we can share to each other and will live in our harts forever.

Lawrence 2007-10-09 17:15:11

那是一間很美的房子(以前去過那) 我相信有很多感動的故事在裡面(看完信後) 真是有點感到惋惜