2007-11-14 11:45:58沉風(光靈)
為什麼哭完頭那麼痛啊....= =”
作詞:陳樂融 作曲:陳國華 編曲:陳國華
一切早開始了 一切卻還未輝煌 觸摸到手指 不代表敲動她心房
我怕到高山的一半 想要回頭怎麼辦 風撼動我的肩膀 汗揪著我的衣裳
*誰願意失敗 失敗 再失敗 誰高興期盼 期盼 再期盼
#我是個痛也不會說出口的人 我是個貪心也注定要不到的人
妳戀戀過我 就像花依賴樹尖 寒風輕輕吹 時候到幸福卻枯萎
我是個愛也不會說清楚的人 我是個懦弱也還在拼拼看的人
火熊熊了眼 別太快灰飛煙滅 榮耀若值錢 我不會掉下淚
Repeat *,#
痛也不說出口的我 不怕掉下淚
第二首是我的心情 很想跳脫煩惱的根由 也想跑到妳身邊給妳我所有...
I Drove All Night(席琳狄翁)
I had to escape
The city was sticky and cruel
Maybe I should have called you first
But I was dying to get to you
I was dreaming while I drove
The long straight road ahead, uh, huh
Could taste your sweet kisses
Your arms open wide
This fever for you is just burning me up inside
I drove all night to get to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
What in this world
Keep us from falling apart
No matter where I go I hear
The beating of your one heart
I think about you
When the night is cold and dark
No one can move me
The way that you do
Nothing erases the feeling between me and you
I drove all night to get to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
Could taste your sweet kisses
Your arms open wide
This fever for you is just burning me up inside
I drove all night to get to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you I drove all night... to hold you tight
第三首讓我想到是否找尋真正的自由 無關妳我 無關愛情 只是我的世界...
Hello今君(いまきみ)の前仇(まえあだ)になる混沌(こんとん)の money
Good day 誰(だれ)?愛(あい)で唄(うた)うのただ憂(うれ)うよ revolution
Gonna live just for today
Gonna sing just for today
Hello 今僕(いまぼく)は恐(こわ)いのか? I’m up a blind alley
Every day 飽(あ)くくらいじゃ暗(くら)いね I don’t wanna cry no more
Gonna live just for today
Gonna sing just for today
So many tears I’ve cried
All my grown life
To save our love alive
Freedom 君(きみ)のfreedom
君(きみ)へ I must say that the love will find the way
The love will find the way
Hello あの日謳(ひうた)った彼(かれ)の言葉(ことば)にまだ in ’n’ out ’n’ out
Losy days 欺(あざむ)いても見失(みうしな)わない I don’t wanna go back on my word
Tell me how to feel today
Tell me how to rave up!
Good-bye 今僕(いまぼく)はゆくのか? 君(きみ)と till the day I die
Gonna ride the wind ただ愛(あい)と勇気(ゆうき)には震(ふる)えてる I’m doing alright
Tell me how to feel today
Tell me how to live today
So many tears you’ve cried
All your grown life
So save our love alive
Freedom 君(きみ)のfreedom
君(きみ)へI must say that the love will find the way
Freedom 君(きみ)のfreedom
君(きみ)よopen your mind now, or you’ll never find the way
ゆずれないさ明日(あす)の pray
You got to be free
You got to be free
You got to be free
You got to be free
You got to be free
Freedom 君(きみ)のfreedom
The love will find the way
Freedom, freedom
君(きみ)よ I must say that
love will find the way
Tell me how to feel today now
Tell me how to live
Gonna live just for way
Gonna sing just for way
Freedom, freedom
Rave up!
第四首 是我一直以來的心情 對妳的喜歡深到妳就像我用來看這世界的雙眼
我就能挺住任何不愉快的悲傷 勇敢的”看”這個世界 很多時候我都覺得 自己
就像個失明的人 雖然我的眼前不是一片黑暗 可是這個社會難道是光彩的嗎?
俗話說 多情至深是無情 我想哭完後 應該就是這種心情吧 只想靜靜的...
作詞:蕭煌奇 作曲:蕭煌奇 編曲:陳飛午
如果我能看得見 就能輕易的分辨白天黑夜
如果我能看得見 就能駕車帶妳到處遨遊
如果我能看得見 生命也許完全不同
可能我想要的我喜歡的我愛的 都不一樣
眼前的黑不是黑 妳說的白是什麼白
人們說的天空藍 是我記憶中那團白雲背後的藍天
我望向妳的臉 卻只能看見一片虛無
是不是上帝在我眼前遮住了簾 忘了掀開
妳是我的眼 帶我領略四季的變換
妳是我的眼 帶我穿越擁擠的人潮
妳是我的眼 帶我閱讀浩瀚的書海
因為妳是我的眼 讓我看見這世界就在我眼前
作詞:陳樂融 作曲:陳國華 編曲:陳國華
一切早開始了 一切卻還未輝煌 觸摸到手指 不代表敲動她心房
我怕到高山的一半 想要回頭怎麼辦 風撼動我的肩膀 汗揪著我的衣裳
*誰願意失敗 失敗 再失敗 誰高興期盼 期盼 再期盼
#我是個痛也不會說出口的人 我是個貪心也注定要不到的人
妳戀戀過我 就像花依賴樹尖 寒風輕輕吹 時候到幸福卻枯萎
我是個愛也不會說清楚的人 我是個懦弱也還在拼拼看的人
火熊熊了眼 別太快灰飛煙滅 榮耀若值錢 我不會掉下淚
Repeat *,#
痛也不說出口的我 不怕掉下淚
第二首是我的心情 很想跳脫煩惱的根由 也想跑到妳身邊給妳我所有...
I Drove All Night(席琳狄翁)
I had to escape
The city was sticky and cruel
Maybe I should have called you first
But I was dying to get to you
I was dreaming while I drove
The long straight road ahead, uh, huh
Could taste your sweet kisses
Your arms open wide
This fever for you is just burning me up inside
I drove all night to get to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
What in this world
Keep us from falling apart
No matter where I go I hear
The beating of your one heart
I think about you
When the night is cold and dark
No one can move me
The way that you do
Nothing erases the feeling between me and you
I drove all night to get to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
Could taste your sweet kisses
Your arms open wide
This fever for you is just burning me up inside
I drove all night to get to you
Is that alright
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you I drove all night... to hold you tight
第三首讓我想到是否找尋真正的自由 無關妳我 無關愛情 只是我的世界...
Hello今君(いまきみ)の前仇(まえあだ)になる混沌(こんとん)の money
Good day 誰(だれ)?愛(あい)で唄(うた)うのただ憂(うれ)うよ revolution
Gonna live just for today
Gonna sing just for today
Hello 今僕(いまぼく)は恐(こわ)いのか? I’m up a blind alley
Every day 飽(あ)くくらいじゃ暗(くら)いね I don’t wanna cry no more
Gonna live just for today
Gonna sing just for today
So many tears I’ve cried
All my grown life
To save our love alive
Freedom 君(きみ)のfreedom
君(きみ)へ I must say that the love will find the way
The love will find the way
Hello あの日謳(ひうた)った彼(かれ)の言葉(ことば)にまだ in ’n’ out ’n’ out
Losy days 欺(あざむ)いても見失(みうしな)わない I don’t wanna go back on my word
Tell me how to feel today
Tell me how to rave up!
Good-bye 今僕(いまぼく)はゆくのか? 君(きみ)と till the day I die
Gonna ride the wind ただ愛(あい)と勇気(ゆうき)には震(ふる)えてる I’m doing alright
Tell me how to feel today
Tell me how to live today
So many tears you’ve cried
All your grown life
So save our love alive
Freedom 君(きみ)のfreedom
君(きみ)へI must say that the love will find the way
Freedom 君(きみ)のfreedom
君(きみ)よopen your mind now, or you’ll never find the way
ゆずれないさ明日(あす)の pray
You got to be free
You got to be free
You got to be free
You got to be free
You got to be free
Freedom 君(きみ)のfreedom
The love will find the way
Freedom, freedom
君(きみ)よ I must say that
love will find the way
Tell me how to feel today now
Tell me how to live
Gonna live just for way
Gonna sing just for way
Freedom, freedom
Rave up!
第四首 是我一直以來的心情 對妳的喜歡深到妳就像我用來看這世界的雙眼
我就能挺住任何不愉快的悲傷 勇敢的”看”這個世界 很多時候我都覺得 自己
就像個失明的人 雖然我的眼前不是一片黑暗 可是這個社會難道是光彩的嗎?
俗話說 多情至深是無情 我想哭完後 應該就是這種心情吧 只想靜靜的...
作詞:蕭煌奇 作曲:蕭煌奇 編曲:陳飛午
如果我能看得見 就能輕易的分辨白天黑夜
如果我能看得見 就能駕車帶妳到處遨遊
如果我能看得見 生命也許完全不同
可能我想要的我喜歡的我愛的 都不一樣
眼前的黑不是黑 妳說的白是什麼白
人們說的天空藍 是我記憶中那團白雲背後的藍天
我望向妳的臉 卻只能看見一片虛無
是不是上帝在我眼前遮住了簾 忘了掀開
妳是我的眼 帶我領略四季的變換
妳是我的眼 帶我穿越擁擠的人潮
妳是我的眼 帶我閱讀浩瀚的書海
因為妳是我的眼 讓我看見這世界就在我眼前