2005-05-06 21:36:28咖啡紫佟

Out of The Gravity


Yea..I'd been attaching to you so much...     
You just like tender rain drops,warming my heart. 
But sunshine eventually will shed in and give it an end.
So I deeply understand that I shall raise my face,
and let the bright bright my gray heart to pink

That was the message which I left when"2005-03-05 20:23:37".....


And now, I think I have to reconsider it.
Just no why....and I do not know why,either.....whatsoever...

Maybe the sun shed just cannot banish the darkness, I always standing in it.
And what I am waiting for is only a nick of time's warmth....a NICK of time...
I adjust you like tender rain drops, 'cause only you can soothe me,console
my long-hurt heartstrings.

In my concept, the word "only" is kind of exclusive meaning.
Yea, in my concept....
In my little corner part of my soul, you are really,really special....
I have been TRYING so hard to EARN ur concerned,full of worried eye sight.
Even though I understand that my motive is by no means purity.
I ENJOY, yea...I really enjoy. I deeply know this pschology is a kind of pervert.
I just wanna see you be a little anxious FOR me. Haha...and I really happy to
hurt myself sometimes on every account! What on earth is my pscology?
I SHALL ask my part of the deepest mind !

Miss L˙G, I know ur pain, 'cause I have been SUFFERING so much in the same
situation. But, we have to overcome and growup. Pain is the best teacher and the bitterest medicine....yea, SO BITTER....

SUFFER, I like to, and I enjoy.