Touching Moment
這次的Miami旅行有兩個讓人感動的場景,一是在Key West遇到一對情侶的求婚場景,在Southernmost Point前,男主角若無其事地請旁人用他的Blackbery拍照,接著突然在女朋友前跪下,拿出戒指。另一是在South Beach遇上一位父親帶著三個小孩旅行,其中一位小孩還有肢體障礙的問題。在這兩個當下,我都主動幫他們用我的單眼相機拍照,並且用email回寄給他們。或許是因為做了些好事的緣故,累積了些正面的能量,旅程中需要陽光的地方就有陽光,整個行程也都跑得非常流暢平安。昨天還收到了準新娘與爸爸的回信,讓我非常感動。以下是他們的回信
You are our hero for capturing this event for us! Thank you for being
so kind and sharing these beautiful photos! We had only 3 from the
blackberry- not nearly the quality that your camera has. Thank you a
million times over ! Happy Holidays and may the new year be filled
with love for you and yours!- H&S
Thank you so very much. Your kindness will bring smiles and joy to the children, parents and grandparents.
Happy holidays and enjoy your trip to So Beach!
Touching Moment @ Miami
Touching Moment @ Miami
Touching Moment @ Miami
Touching Moment @ Miami
Touching Moment @ Miami