2007-11-30 16:48:12琰妡


Ⅰ Complete the dialogue .
Waiter : Good after moon . May I take your order ?
Grest : Yes . We’d like to have a see ment for eight please .
Waiter : Certainly sir .The course is designed for 7-8 persons and will be suitable for your needs . It consists of one soup two appetizers and five dishes.
Guest : That sounds fine . But may we have Chicken Black Mushroom Soup instead of Beef Soup with Vegetables ?
Waiter : Sorry . I’m afraid it’s been fixed .
Guest : I see . Please make it as soon as possible since we’re in a hurry .
Waiter : sure sir . Please have some tea first . The Oolong tea is on the house .
Guest : Thank you very much .

Ⅱ Complete the Sentences .
1 . The set menu is suitable for parties .
2 . I think small portions will be enough .
3 . What Chinese cuisine do you recommend .
4 . Appetizers are always served before the main dish .
5 . Shark’s Fin Soup is one of the most famous dishes in Chinese cuisine .

1 . A : Thank you for waiting sir . Here are your Fried Shrimp Balls .
B : Should I have them with the pepper salt .
2 . A : May I have some more Jasmine Tea . Please ?
B : Certainly sir .
A : How much should I pay for it ?
B : It’s on the house , sir .
3 . A : Would you like a table in our private room or in the main dinning room ?
B : The private room will be fine .
4 . A : This is the complete course . There is a dessert to follow .
B : Thank you . I can’t wait to have it .
5 . A : I’d like to have something lighter .
B : We’ll serve various kinds of appetizers .
1 . I prefer barbecue to Chinese cuisine .
2 . We look forward to serving you soon .
3 . The Japanese dressing goes very will with seafood or fish and testes delicious .
4 . The “A” course is too big for me .
5 . Sake is one of the most famous Japanese drinks .

1 . A : Excuse me , I’m afraid the tea is too weak .
B : I’m very sorry about that . I’ll bring you another one .
2 . A : Waiter , that’s not what I ordered .
B : I’m very sorry for the mistake . Let me check your order .
3 . A : What kind of food do you serve ?
B : We have grilled meat , seafood and vegetables which are prepared in front of our guests .
4 . A : Would you like something to drink ?
B : Sake will be fine .
5 . A : I’m afraid all the private rooms are reserved . Would you mind waiting 20 minutes ?
B : That’s quite all right .

Ⅲ Translate into Chinese .
a . We’re in a hurry . 我們趕時間 .
b . How many persons do you have ? 您們共有幾位 ?
c . Two seafood set manus , please . 請準備二份海鮮套餐 .
Ⅳ Match
1 . arrange 安排
2 . sashimi 生魚片
3 . tappanyaki 鐵板燒
4 . cuisine 菜餚 5 . appetizer 開胃菜

