2009-06-13 13:29:19J.T.7297
Blood Angel
圖作/寫作By: J.Tzeng7297 ( C )
Dripping across the distance
Hopeless without a chance
Cover the dandelion with red
Stitch wounded soul with thread
Tears store all the pained told
Broken carcass remain so cold
Feathers unite air by no retain
Lost wings constrain cells to go insane
Gentle breeze passes through silk hair
What is taken continue to tear
Sounds of darkness given the scare
Fall written over that cannot be bear
Heal one God call upon a prayer
Peacefully last drop gone disappear
Reaching shadow that kept a dare
Vanish…the white guardian
Left with blessing crimson
Spirit rise upon the holy heaven….
Given life…
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2012-06-16 18:51:04
謝謝~ Aiyo 我只是 ok, 沒有很好 ^_<
2010-12-02 12:24:47