2006-11-04 16:48:24J.T.7297
Character Design
畫作/寫作 By: J.Tzeng7297 ( C )
This one is for people that are interested in how to design characters; well character design has a lot of stages.
1. What kind of character is in your story, what is their personality?
2. Research on your subject, what period is the character live in, what kind of clothes do they wear and so on, until you got enough information to start on the drawing.
3. The drawing part, start with very loose and rough drawing of the pose, the action what you want the character to say to the viewer.
This one is for people that are interested in how to design characters; well character design has a lot of stages.
1. What kind of character is in your story, what is their personality?
2. Research on your subject, what period is the character live in, what kind of clothes do they wear and so on, until you got enough information to start on the drawing.
3. The drawing part, start with very loose and rough drawing of the pose, the action what you want the character to say to the viewer.
4. Focus on the shape of each character; they need to have a very strong shape that show who they are.
5. Make sure the drawing is solid, I mean by solid is the drawing have to be correct, the character can not have one arm longer or the eyes is off place and so on.
6. After you got your main idea down on paper, now really think about the character, put yourself in them. If you are a director and you going to hire an actor or actress, who will it be? That’s what you need to think about, what kind of character fit in your story that you are trying to design.
5. Make sure the drawing is solid, I mean by solid is the drawing have to be correct, the character can not have one arm longer or the eyes is off place and so on.
6. After you got your main idea down on paper, now really think about the character, put yourself in them. If you are a director and you going to hire an actor or actress, who will it be? That’s what you need to think about, what kind of character fit in your story that you are trying to design.
7. After you got all that down, put another piece of paper over it and redraw it, but not copy it…try to fix things make the design and the drawing better.
8. Once finish the clean drawing, you can put some color on it. But try to understand what color fit the character the best, the best thing to do is make some copy at a copy machine. Than test out the color on the copy, so this way you will not make a mistake on the original drawing.
8. Once finish the clean drawing, you can put some color on it. But try to understand what color fit the character the best, the best thing to do is make some copy at a copy machine. Than test out the color on the copy, so this way you will not make a mistake on the original drawing.
9. Key note is really think about the character, as if they were alive how would they do things. This will help to bring out the character and the right design for it.
10. Just have fun drawing it, but don’t fall in love with your drawing. If you don’t feel is right, than get a new paper start over again. Also if you see some part of drawing is not correct, than change it. Don’t fake it or cheat it, because others will see that same thing you see. Trust me it will happen^^
10. Just have fun drawing it, but don’t fall in love with your drawing. If you don’t feel is right, than get a new paper start over again. Also if you see some part of drawing is not correct, than change it. Don’t fake it or cheat it, because others will see that same thing you see. Trust me it will happen^^
1st drawing is color with color marker and computer
2nd is a rough drawing of the idea
3rd this one is still a rough drawing
4th here is a clean version of a drawing
5th this piece is color all in the computer
2nd is a rough drawing of the idea
3rd this one is still a rough drawing
4th here is a clean version of a drawing
5th this piece is color all in the computer
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