2007-03-04 13:16:24阿style烈

Camping this why I’m hot

Camping , it was about two weeks ago, which was lasting two crazy days, I remerber that Jeremy invited me to go with him and people from his church , we drove from the church in Killeen to the lake called”Belton Lake”. At first we took stuffs out off the truck , then leader hose’ started getting some special woods to make a camp fire , hose’ brother asked us to set up our tents , it was fun because everyone had a flash light of different color, they started using that tiny light to shoot my eyes - - - !! Since I haven’t been a camp even for the scouts in my life, I was so happy and jealous of their flash lights , so I borrowed a tiny pen light from Joseph.

Leader barbecued some hot dogs for us , people gathered together since we were eager to eat those huge hot dogs. Hose’ led us to separate into two teams that we were about to play ”Capture the Flags” ,after he explained the rules and details , we started playing it .

We got five people in my team including me, and me and Eric were in charge of going to enemy zone sneakily and tring to find the flag , I was like kept falling since we played in the pitch dark night . The score at the end of the game was 2:1 , we lost !!

And some one got injured during the game , especially he is hose’ s brother , he got sent to the hospital.

Anyway , we also played paintball throwing as well by bare hands, and it was the craziest camp that I ’ve ever had in my life !!

And I got a medal from winning a solo ensemble at another school called Temple High School.

Heng Lee 2007-03-29 10:13:37

something wrong that I typed above : It is supposed to be &quotyou&quot are working on ur doctorade(the highest degree u can get^^)

Heng Lee 2007-03-29 10:11:35

but I`m in Killeen @@ Are u gonna pick me up from here or something , hold on , I need to ask my hostmom and I hope that I can see u . Congragulations that I are working on your doctorade , I was wondering that why u need to get ur degree here ?? Can u tell me??
oh , by the way , my tel is : 254.698.4823

Are u here with ur family?

math teacher 2007-03-25 03:23:23

I got our message and I am sorry that I did not answer your call. I think maybe we can have a lunch next Staurday, is it all right?