2006-12-05 05:22:30阿style烈

history is almost failed

I got average of 59 in History now.
I got to bring it up or I will be sent back to Taiwan probably.
That made me sad this weekend even though we are waiting for Chrismas.
Tonight is my concert of Chior for Chrismas.
I got my uniform already.Wish everything will be fine.

Then secondable ,wish I can pass history and have a nice Chrismas.

That’s all.
Yong Isa Alex I wanna go back to Austin.
Wow....T.T when ????

I’m so expected the next meeting we will have !!
I pulled out my history book of American in Chinese version from luggage that might help me a little bit. I hope so><

Typed from computer class.
I missed uncle’s married wedding in December.
hey gomain(Uncle) makes a lot of babies @@

They will be my nephews . Wa haha
Yung 2006-12-08 13:04:09

heheh Alex and I thought that was pretty funny too :P ”gay power!” haha :]

小艾 2006-12-07 11:48:35


cuz I got a phone call from the AR of mine .
She told me that if I don’t bring it up 70 or above that I can pass it ,at least pass it^^
2006-12-08 05:18:44
Yung 2006-12-07 11:45:39

I was talking to Alex and this is part of our conversation about you :]

Yung = MaroSumeragi
Alex = Daemon2007

MaroSumeragi: ”Thanks for ur massage.That made me heart-warmed.”
MaroSumeragi: heart-warmed :P
Daemon2007: massage :P
Daemon2007: u were massaging him?
Daemon2007: warming him up?
MaroSumeragi: hahaha i didnt notice that

If you dont know what ”Massage” means, go look it up in your traslator ^^ it’s not the same thing as ”Message” which is what i think you meant :P


Oh I saw that and laughed a lot.
I really did that , that ’s kind of gay though .
Ha ^^

I was so gay to say that but it made me laugh !!!!!wa haha
2006-12-08 05:16:15