2014-04-02 15:05:22商務中心

Being an artist of your own life

Yet, there is a part of everyone's intelligence that can see beyond the horizon. I call it being a "Change Artist". It is the part of the human psyche that can sense into possibilities before they become manifest. Pablo Picasso once said "Everyone is born an artist, the trick is to recapture that artist as an adult." When I once asked a group of kindergarten students to raise their hand if they considered themselves an artist, all hands went up. When I asked that same question of a group of adults instead, what do you think happened?jessicamm

Only about 25% put their hands up. Somehow the older people get the less they seem to frame themselves in terms of artistry. Perhaps it's how you define artistry. How I like to frame artistry is that it is not about doing something such as drawing, playing music, or writing, it's about who you are being. For example, you can play music very un-artistically, whereas you could plan your busy day very artistically. To be artistic in conducting your life is to sense into the natural creative flow of life and to get in synch with it, using that energetic flow to manifest just the right outcome in just the right way. It's an intelligence beyond what we typically call IQ. Let's call it AQ... your Artistic Quotient.單身式

Symptoms that you may be in The Winter of Change

Using your AQ during The Winter of Change can be very beneficial because it's usually the time in your life when your outward creative abilities are lying fallow and replenishing themselves. When you feel less outwardly creative, it's time to tap into a more inward creativity. Few people in our goal oriented culture effectively model this inward creativity and so it's not as well practiced. The tips below may help you tap into exactly what you need to move forward. Symptoms that you are in a replenishing phase may be:

• Feeling low energy and unmotivated十七歲的雨季

• Confusion and having little clarity about what's next

• Grieving the old identity that has fallen away 追求自由自在

What's going on is that the old identity that was tied up with your previous life is breaking down and dying. It's like what happens in your garden when the cold rain and snow set in. The remains of the last harvest start to disintegrate and the soil begins to compost to get ready for Spring. Humans have an aversion to death and dying, so it's natural to feel uncomfortable during this phase. But ironically the more you resist it the longer it seems to take. Also, if you try to skip this step, you may find you miss out on the next harvest of your life, or at least miss out on having the best possible harvest.kertty

下一篇:Understand you