2005-11-06 14:11:51妙.♡elody

= Salute to Sursum =

The River of Time flows
Through our lives
Over great reeves of joy
Between pebbles of hardship
We have grown

Out of Strife
Out of Tears
We have become what we set out to be
Together, we defy the undertows of time
Entertwining the ribbon of our friendship
We will keep growing

The laughter that rings in me
THe words that encircles me
From friends to doctriners
I can’t express
So many traces left on my path
I can’t erase
But somehow I know that
We will meet again

Holding on tightly to our emblem
The phoenix that reach to the heights
It flies with the colours red, yellow, blue
of passion, integrity, knowledge
"Sursum", shall be engraved on our hearts

To teachers, I thank thee with respect
Tis you that presented me
with the gift of wisdom from which I shall propser
Tis you that enlightened me
with the notions of faith and determination
More than gratitude, I give you my salute

To friends, I embrace with love
The tree that grew within me
of which you sowed with the first smile you gave me
Shakes with sorrow
As we depart with our physicality
May our roots be deeply locked
Locked in our minds

Withoutstanding my opitimism
I can’t stop thinking about the fact that
It has all come to an end...

Endless sighs...