2016-07-27 01:47:05bryantlsoa88

推薦臺中英文家教老師 國文 補習 loin-cloth中文意思是什麼

    外師 英文 ?好英?新竹 英文 一對一 免費線上英語教學 英文學習網站英語自學 英文互動學習補習 聽英文歌學英文英文托益 學習網站 線上英文 推薦1對1英文家教 英文補習班臺北車站美語教學網 網路教學課程推薦臺中英文家教老師 國文 補習



loin-clot英語老師 gept考試時間h中文意思是什麼

loin-cloth解釋兒童學英語 線上免費學英文 線上英文學習


  • loin: n. 1. 〈pl. 〉 【解剖學】腰;恥骨區;生殖器官。2. (牛、羊等的)腰肉。
  • cloth: n pl cloths 〈用於 kinds of cloth之意〉, 〈用於 pieces of cloth〈之意〉)1 織物,布類,毛織品,...

  • Industrial heavy carpet overedging cloth abutted machines

  • We removed the accumulated filth of years from it with a cloth-brush.

  • Hiding essence of life is the main physiology function of kidney, the essence in kidney is angry, be airframe life activity this, to airframe the physiology activity of each respect all is having all in all effect ; kidney advocate water fluid, basically be the aerification function that the essence in pointing to kidney enrages, to the body fluid inside body be defeated cloth and excrete, maintain the balance that the body fluid inside body metabolizes, the adjustment with rising very important action ; kidney advocate bone gives birth to pith, it is spirit of the energy in kidney has stimulative airframe to grow actually a of growth function main component, the rise and fall that the essence in kidney enrages, affect the growth of bone and growth not only, and the plentiful that also affects spinal cord and encephalon and development ; " tine is bone ", tine and bone give one cause together, the tooth also is filled by institute of gas of the energy in kidney raise, spirit of the energy in kidney is abundant, fall off the tooth is solid and not easily, if kidney is medium air of essence of life is inadequate, criterion the tooth becomes loose easily, inchoate even fall off ; kidney have one ' s ideas straightened out at 2 shade ( external genital organs and anal ), accordingly, frequent micturition, enuresis, urinary incontinence, make water little or anuria, all the aerification function with kidney is wrong about

    藏精是腎的主要生理功能,腎中精氣,是機體生命活動之本,對機體各方面的生理活動均起著極其重要的作用;腎主水液,主要是指腎中精氣的氣化功能,對于體內津液的輸布和排泄,維持體內津液代謝的平衡,起著極為重要的調節作用;腎主骨生髓,實際上是腎中精氣具有促進機體生長發育功能的一個重要組成部分,腎中精氣的盛衰,不僅影響骨的生長和發育,而且也影響脊髓和腦髓的充盈和發育; 「齒為骨之餘」 ,齒與骨同出一源,牙齒也由腎中精氣所充養,腎中精氣充沛,則牙齒堅固而不易脫落,若腎中精氣不足,則牙齒易於松動,甚至早期脫落;腎開竅於二陰(外生殖器和肛門) ,因此,尿頻、遺尿、尿失禁、尿少或尿閉,均與腎的氣化功能失常有關。
  • Seen now, in broad day - light, she looked tall, fair, and shapely ; brown eyes with a benignant light in their irids, and a fine pencilling of long lashes round, relieved the whiteness of her large front ; on each of her temples her hair, of a very dark brown, was clustered in round curls, according to the fashion of those times, when neither smooth bands nor long ringlets were in vogue ; her dress, also in the mode of the day, was of purple cloth, relieved by a sort of spanish trimming of black velvet ; a gold watch watches were not so common then as now shone at her girdle

  • If you, sort of, sit in a square and sit down in one loin cloth and the snow is falling, they will say oh, such a great saint has come


    logy, loid, loin, loir, loire, lois

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