六人行學英文 安親班的英文 omission through coordination中文意思是什麼
學習語言 高雄英文家教班 學英文補習班六人行學英文 安親班的英文台南學英文 一對一英語家教日常會話 英文 西班牙家教臺中英文家教老師 英語家教英文網站 學英文小說推薦 在學 英文臺南外籍英文家教 餐飲英文會話 英語問候免費英語學習軟件 英檢中級
omission through coordination中文意思是什麼
omission through coordination解釋
- omission: n. 1. 省略,刪節;遺漏。2. 疏忽;失職。3. 【法律】不作為;懈怠;不履行法律責任 (opp. commission)。
- through: 副詞1 穿過,通過,經歷;從頭到尾,完全,全部;到最後,到底,徹底;透;完畢。 2 出來。 adj 1 直通...
- coordination: n 同等,同位,對等;同等關系;調整;配合;協作,協調;【生理】(器官等的)共同調濟,協調(一致)...
Through adjusting coordination variable eta ( estimated team arrival time ), coordination agent selects paths and feasible velocities among each uav initial optimal and suboptimal paths, such that timing constraint is satisfied
引入團隊預計到達目標時間( estimatedteamarrivaltime )作為協同變量,飛行路徑的代價作為協同函數,通過協同函數傳遞各架飛機到達目標的時間范圍。 Neither the bank, its associates, nor any of their directors, officers or employees, shall be liable to the customer for any expenses, loss or damage suffered by or occasioned to the customer by reason of any action taken or omitted to be taken by any one or all of the bank, its associates, their directors, officers, employees or agents pursuant to these conditions or in connection therewith other than as a result of the fraud, wilful default or negligence of the bank, its associates, their directors, officers, employees or agents ; the bank s failure in good faith to honour any stop - payment instructions given by the customer ; the presentation to the bank of any cheque or other payment order which is post - dated ; the bank failing to honour any draft drawn on it by the customer, but the bank shall immediately return such draft to the customer through the normal channels giving the reason for the dishonour ; any loss, damage, destruction or misdelivery of or to the securities howsoever caused unless the same shall result from the negligence of, or theft by, the bank or its associates or any of their directors, officers or employees, in which event the extent of the liability of the bank shall be limited to the market value of such securities at the date of discovery of the loss and even if the bank has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage ; unauthorised use or forging of any authorised signature as a result of the negligence, wilful default or fraud of the customer ; subject to condition 5. 5, any act or omission, or insolvency of, any person not associated with the bank including, without limitation, a third party nominee or depositary ; viii the collection or deposit or crediting to the custodian accounts of invalid, fraudulent or forged securities or any entry in the custodian accounts which may be made in connection therewith ; any malfunction of, or error in the transmission of information caused by, any electrical or mechanical machine or system or any interception of communication facilities, abnormal operating conditions, labour difficulties, acts of god, or any similar or dissimilar causes beyond the reasonable control of the bank and notwithstanding paragraph, the error, failure, negligence, act or omission of any other person, system, institution or payment infrastructure
本行其聯系人士其各董事高級人員或雇員均毋須向客戶因以下理由而使客戶蒙受或產生之任何開支損失或虧損負責: i本行其聯系人士其董事高級人員雇員或代理人根據此等條件採取或遺漏採取有關之行動,但由於本行其聯系人士其董事高級人員雇員或代理人之欺詐行為故意失責或疏忽所造成者除外ii本行本真誠地未能依約替客戶執行止付指示iii向本行提交任何遠期支票或其他付款指示iv本行未能兌現由客戶開出之匯票,但本行將立即透過正常渠道將該匯票退回客戶,並解釋拒付之理由v無論如何導致之任何證券之損失損毀毀壞或錯誤交付除非上述各項乃因本行或其聯系人士或其任何董事高級人員或雇員之疏忽或盜竊所引致,而在該等情況下,本行的責任將只限於在發現損失當日該等證券之市值,以及即使本行已獲知該等賠償之可能性vi因客戶之疏忽故意失責或欺詐行為而導致的任何偽造授權簽名或不獲授權使用該簽名vii在第5 . 5 a條之規限下,與本行無關者之任何行動或遺漏或無償債能力包括但不限於第三者代名人或寄存處viii代收或存入或貸存於保管人賬戶的無效偽造或假冒證券或在保管人賬戶記入可能與此有關之賬項ix任何電子機械或系統失靈或因該等機件或系統產生的資料傳送錯誤或任何通訊設施之終斷不正常操作情況勞工問題天災或非本行所能合理控制之任何類似或非類似原因及x盡管有第ix項,任何其他人系統機構或付款設施的錯誤故障疏忽行動或遺漏。 The result shows that, in condition of fixed price contract, coordination incentive of multi - objects can not only actualize pareto improvement of the two contracting sides and prevent moral hazard of the contractor, but also can promote the contractor to improve its efforts and to allocate its resources rationally in multi - objects so as to realize coordination equilibrium improvement among the multi - objects through providing a balanced incentive combination
結果表明,在固定總價合同下,從多目標角度實施協調激勵,不僅可以實現雙方收益的帕累托改善,防範承包商的道德風險;而且通過提供均衡的激勵組合策略,可以使得承包商在多目標控制上提高併合理分配自己的努力水平或資源,從而實現項目多控制目標之間的協調均衡改善。 The coordination control between the angle error and the ratio error was realized through analyzing the common characteristics between the similar magnetizing current compensation and the anti - turn compensation
通過分析相似電流補償和反匝數補償的特點,對電流互感器的比差和角差進行了協調控制,補償效果明顯。 This can only be accomplished through coordination with the kernel by means of kernel extensions 臺中英文家教老師 美語教材
omer abdel atti, omishima, omission factor, omissions and errors, omissions excepted, omissions list
omission through coordina英文學習教材 英語單字 看圖學英語tion中文意思是什麼
學不會 英文 學英語方法學英文歌曲 台北學英文英國遊學 補習班老師英語會話課 學習英文網站 英文家教中心學英文好方法 全民英檢中高級免費英文會話網站 如何教英文成人英語補習班 全民英檢班英語能力檢定 旅遊英文 補習導師英文考多益 線上免費學英文全民英檢試題下載 英文寫作家教