2016-07-21 15:24:40bryantlsoa88

線上學英文網站 臺南英文家教費用 magnetic alphabet and number set中文意思是什麼

    全民英檢中心 看影片學英文線上日語學習 自學英文中級英檢文法 初級 英語免費聽英文故事 英語會話一對一 免費英文學習軟體線上英語教學 多益自學 台北補習商用英文對話 線上學英文單字英文字源學 學唱歌課程 英文雜誌學英文英語補習班費用 toeic多益單字



magnetic alphab情境式英文 全民英檢日程表 學測英文文法et and number set中文意思是什麼

magnetic alphabet and number set解釋


  • magnetic: adj. 1. 磁(性)的;(可)磁化的。2. 吸引人心的;有魅力的。3. 催眠術的。
  • alphabet: n. 1. 字母表。2. 初步。
  • and: n. 1. 附加條件。2. 〈常 pl. 〉附加細節。
  • number: n 1 數;數字;〈pl 〉算術。2 (汽車等的)號碼;第…,第…卷,第…期〈通常略作 No (復數 Nos ),用於...
  • set: SET =safe electronic transaction 安全電子交易〈指用信用卡通過因特網支付款項的商業交易〉。n 【埃...

  • 學英文 卡通 線上學英文廣播 Information and documentation - extension of the cyrillic alphabet coded character set for non - slavic languages for bibliographic information interchange

  • According to more effect, when the hore component is placed in a gradient field, at the same time the direction of the current is perpendicular to the direction of the voltage, then between the two parallel side face come out the hore voltage. when hore component is set in this kind of uni - gradient magnetic field and the electric current is unchanged, the voltage output of hore component will be proportional to the position of the hore component in the magnetic field. so we can use the hore component to measure the movement of hore component against magnetic field

  • A measure of the induced voltage in a circuit caused by a magnetic flux and equal to the flux times the number of turns in the coil that surrounds it

  • The genetic algorithm is applied to obtain the solution from the whole network by taking both switch state and capacitor set number as the control variables

  • This paper is based on the cosco vessel investment decision support system project. firstly, according to the shipping enterprise ' s situation and character, a program suitable to the shipping enterprise is given, which is used to help decision - maker analyze the economical effect of the investment and choose correct investment project. secondly, the author extends the use of the evaluation method of single ship investment, simplifys the calculation of revenue and cost, set up the multi - objective synthesis evaluation model of ship investment to evaluate ship investment considering the fleet as a whole, then to make decisions on vessel type jtonnage, number, financing pattern ; finally, the author analyzes the system, and designs the system, mainly including the design of operation database, design of decision support database, the design of models database, system interface, the style of the system, and analyzes the techni cal problems about the system, some functions has been put into use

    以輔助或支持企業的決策者分析投資的經濟效果,選擇投資方向及決策方案,使決策的結果更能滿足航運企業發展的實際需要,作出科學的決策;其次,本文將單船投資決策的技術經濟評價方法進行推廣,在計算npv指標中涉及到的復雜的成本與收入計算問題進行簡化,並利用運籌學的知識,建立船舶投資決策模型,從船隊整體角度對船舶投資進行綜合評價,以達到對船隊中投入船舶種類、船舶噸位、數量與融資方式選擇的多維決策;最後,本文對船舶投資決策支持系統進行了詳細的系統分析,作出整體框架設計,主要包括操作數據庫設計、 dss數據庫設計、模型庫設計和系統介面、系統風格設計,並對系統開發中涉及到的技術問題予以分析,並實現了部分功能。

    magnetic a, magnetic abatement, magnetic alloys and steel, magnetic alternating induction, magnetic ampilfier regulator, magnetic amplification

    magnetic alphabet and number set中文意思是什麼
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