2003-09-09 23:15:27吉他手

Don't lie to yourself....

I asked her to go out with me for beautiful night scenes.

She "said..."No,thanks"...

"I am not used to going out with any guy for night scenes unless
he's my boyfriend."

It proves..I 've got no chances to win her heart.

Furthermore...I know she has no boyfriend now...

and she told me so..

Obviously..She has no feeling towards me.

It proves..love never comes to me..

I am not good enough for one I like

Though I hate to say so...It's a telling fact..

Hey..at least..it was a good try..
I did..

Sigh..she's my colleague.

To keep the friendship..I can't do anything I want to try to win her heart and let her know me more..

All I can do is treat her well..

Yeh..obviously..I do care about her..I haven't done this before.

I'll rush to help her and so afraid that she'll overwork herself..

I'd rather do more things than let her overwork herself..

I think I am really getting into her..fancy her.

BUT..apprently...she has no feelings toeards me..

I think I just save my strength not to ruin the friendship between us..

I am back to my team.

Buddies..I am coming..

承韶..鵬宇..I always remember we 3

chatted and sang on those nights..

They were so amazing..though they were a bit transient..

The dream has completely stopped.

Coz..It's called DREAM. NOT TRUE...