2003-04-14 22:24:18吉他手

2 hour reverie incarnate

Reverie, something infatuating you

and me,

Reverie, inviting the laughters

and awaked souls between you and me

Thanks to the gift of the poems

and melody ,

rippling the broken strings of

hearts ,scattered down the valley

,of you and me

It was your doodling plunging the

soul of me, into the world of

reverie, the incarnation of

the reverie

An ensuing puzzle of me

something please don't fade like

the real reverie

Coz a wandering princess had

already seized the heart of me ,

so tightly

The above is dedicated to 桂鎂

* * * * * * * * * * *

我從來不曾抗拒你的魅力 雖然你從來不曾對我著迷

我總是微笑 的看著你 我的情意總是輕易就洋溢眼底

我曾經想過在寂寞的夜裡 你終於在意在我的房間裡

你閉上眼睛親吻了我 不說一句緊緊抱我在你的懷裡

我是愛你的 我愛你到底 生平第一次我放下矜持

你是愛我的 你愛我到底 生平第一次
