2007-10-05 22:55:14吉他手



Most foreigners are similar.

Their personalities...= = bad...

Always want me to call back?
Who is asking for assistance and I always need to call them back?

The call they make is pricy...and my call is cheap?

I met this gal and initially
I thought she was CBC who could be more like Taiwanese.

But I was wrong...

She was kinda fun but...still like a foreigner.

You think she’s kinda OK judging from the photo?
She’s very short..only like 150 or 145CM.

Sometimes she’s like a good friend but
oh my god.

I spent nearly 3000NTD for talking to her on the phone
trying to help her out to settle down.

Gosh..my life is still tough....

Er..I must get rid of this chaos!!!