2004-06-04 16:03:36bryan

惡魔與天使 Part XXV--Viggo doesn’t answer the question.

“So you had this dream, hadn’t you?”
“Sure…all the time.”
“Sean .You are such an asshole sometimes.”
“And you still love me.”
“Yea ..yea …..but you are still a fucking bastard. Why didn’t you tell me before.”
“I though you will know that anyway. And admit it, its bloody weird. So I afraid you might not believe it. I mean we have the bloody same dream.”
“Yes you might right about it. May be I would think you have some voodoo trick on me”
“Ya right. Maybe it is you have that dirty trick on me.”
“Hey… who is always playing bad guy in the movie. ”
“You are. You nasty sod.”
“You are. You nasty cunt.”
“Stop that you Daft bugger. Viggo. We are too old to do this. ”
“46 here. Oh God why you remind me that.”
“Cause you behave like a willful child.”
“You will pay for that”
“Oh …… you fucking bastard …stop..I mean it...”
“So who are the typical bad guy in the movie…”
“Sorry…Wrong answer….Say that again..”
“You daft bugger…sotp…bloody hell.. Motensen …I warning you…”
“Yes…but I still can’t hear the correct answer…”
“god…OK OK Its me..I am the typical bad guy in the movie..Ok …you stupid git…”
“Mmmmm I love a honest boy..”
“Fuck off …Viggo...But I should admit you have a bloody amazing finger you know that …wow...”
“I thought you like it.”
“I do love it. But for seriously. Do you have any idea about that bloody dream.”
“I am in a hopeless tangle. Let just say maybe it just a dream. A naughty boy’s nonsense dream. ”
“Fuck off. Do you imply something? Hey, this dream is between you and me. I think there are two naughty boys here. But because of this dream so I decide to have an announcement to you.”
“We got appreciate this dream. Sean, if we don’t have this dream. What would happen. ”
“How will I bloody know that. Maybe we just good friends”
“Maybe sex partner.”
“Not bad for me. ….Hey why you fucking bit me. It hurts..”
“Be careful what you say…Maybe just colleague ”
“Sorry …just kidding…Maybe we will hate each other.”
“Ya.. I will hate you if I can not fuck you.”
“The same here.”
“You mean if I don’t fuck you , you would hate me too..right.”
“Fuck you. I mean.”
“Put your middle finger away. May be we will still become lover like we are now.”
“Mmm I love this idea.”
“You know I really don’t care about why we have the fucking same dream. After so many years searching for nothing...with hopeless, guilty and lonely. The most import thing is ….”
“What…mmm…I love the kiss…”
“I love you too”
“I finally find my angel.”

But you still don’t answer my question about that bloody rock…