2006-03-01 00:21:29Brown Bear

Techers’ English wording

Class Rules:
Come to class on time.
Begin the start up activity within 1 minute after the tardy bell.
Do not eat candy or other food in class unless you have been given special permission.
Bring required materials every day
Use polite speech and body language.
Do not cheat.
Complete all assignments neatly and on time.
Raise Your Hand And Wait To Be Called On
Do not get out of your seat without permission
Raise your hand before speaking.
Listen to others and participate in class discussions.
Stay on task. 上課要認真
Do your assignments.
Bring materials and have them ready.
Listen to directions.
Cooperate with your group.
Pick up after yourself.
Leave other people’s materials alone.
Do not interrupt other students’ learning.
Treat computers with care.
When in doubt, always ask questions!
Use the restroom between classes or during lunch. Please do not ask unless it is an emergency.
Do not talk when the teacher is talking.
Don’t talk when someone else is talking. Wait your turn!
Always show respect for everyone in the class. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Respect all property. (School property, personal property, and other’s property)
Follow the school dress code.
Keep your surroundings clean and tidy.
Upon entrance, be seated immediately.
Always bring paper, pen and BOOK to class.
Turn off the fan and light before leaving the classroom.
Make sure the doors and windows are closed before leaving the classroom.
Be quiet and courteous.
Listen to and follow all directions given by the teacher.
Do not disrupt class
Listen quietly and attentively
Chit chat with neighbours, even when whispered, is equally unacceptable.

Be prepared.
Turn in assignments on time
Be QUIET, Stay focused
keep up with HW,
ask questions when you don’t understand,
treat other students with respect.
Keep up with the work

During the class:
We will have a quiz on Lesson 3 on Monday.
Complete page 12 in your Practice Workbook.
The work on pages 41-45 in your workbook are due on Thursday.
Tomorrow the presentations are due for the following students: Mary....
Please do 1B for homework tonight
Today we do a lab
Behave well for substitute teachers.
Review sheets will be handed out Friday
Maintaining a safe learning environment
take roll