2009-01-06 15:26:31VIERO


Boot CD installs DOS, Vantage, Raine, MAME (1 of 7 versions) and Game Launcher

Hello from Maine,

In an effort to make DOS "so easy to install that anyone can do it", I have made my own version of Fraggal's boot disk. 

With this boot disk the user never needs to learn DOS, or leave the C:> prompt - there are batch files that launch everything they need (for example to edit mame.cfg they only need to type 'setup')

The disk is based on Fraggal's so it automatically formats, runs fdisk, installs DOS 7, installs CD-rom support, mouse support, and sound drivers.

I made it so it installs Game Launcher and optionally MAME (any one of 7 versions), Vantage, or Raine; or all three. 

After trying many DOS front ends I settled on Game Launcher - it is solid, displays screen shots, is compatible with many emulators and can go vertical. What more could you ask for in a DOS front end? 

The readme is in the next post

SpyStyle DOS boot CD
Version beta 1 M
78 MB, 7zip compressed, ISO disk image.
Kindly hosted by Saint here: 

Tell me what you guys think, help me to make it better.

Lets keep DOS alive! No BSOD, no GUI, no muss no fuss! 

With it we can use inexpensive computers to power our cool cabs :)


p.s. I am not a DOS guru and this is beta. Help and suggestions are greatly appreciated :)