2007-05-29 10:50:49小妹


Last Friday, i went to TST with Blue blue. It was a cloudy day. We visited the upper lever of the seaside paltform. Wah.... very good sight ar...

Yesterday, i accompanied with 40 student to the HK Art Museum. Wah... long time no visit there la... i think may be over 8 years. There is an exhibition of Lin-Feng-mian picture. He is a famour painting professioner.

um... When i walked thr’ the hall. i remember PK said: ’ there are many things to upgrade/downgrade yourself.’

yes, i feel i have been upgrading after this exhibition. All picture was drawn in 1940s. u can see: ’oh, why those picture like the modern picture created by the computer graphic?’

but,.. those tools/image/techniques was in 1940s.

i hope all of u know what i mean la...

i feel very sleepy and pain of my upper arm.

a lot of picture want to upload.... but no time.

HK, a beautiful place.....

i love seaside.

