2008-07-18 05:12:20肥雪

Biking With GIANT

” If there’s something you want to do and you don’t, you will never have the second chance.” This is a famous line in last year’s Taiwanese hit “Island Etude”, this line inspired many risk taking minds, including my former boss, King Liu.
King Liu is not ordinary person, he is the founder and owner of GIANT, world’s largest bicycle brand, one of the richest people in Taiwan and he’s already seventy-three years old! As a successful entrepreneur, he has nothing to prove but to himself there’s still one thing kept in his mind: to see his beautiful country by his foot.
I was luckily selected as his assistant in this trip for I worked in Cycling and Lifestyle Foundation at that time and had experience traveling around the island by motorbike.
There were four members in this trip and they are an interesting combination. We have King, our boss and leader; and Uncle Hsu, secretary of King, Bike Lin, the vice CEO of Cycling and Lifestyle Foundation and me, the youngest boy in this team. If you have ever seen the movie,” Wild Hogs” You would know what it feels like riding with these old boys. We chatted happily and enjoyed awesome scenery around the trip.
The trip took us fifteen days to complete yet it was as exciting as an action movie. King had a scary but slight car accident when we were trying to cross the intersection. We met a lovely couple who has been in love for over 40 years and had their own hotel. We also met the artist that showed up in the movie” Island Etude” and he took us to visit his collections. We met the President of Taiwan, Ma Yi Jeou, who was also completing a biking tour that time and exchanged our wishes. We met a father biking with his son for he wanted to spend more time with his son since his son was going to take mandatory military service. There were so many emotions in this trip that I can’t keep smiling when I am trying to write all them down.
Friends are the most precious gift I received from this trip; I met friends with the Director of “Island Etude”, one of the best films in Asia. I also got to know King and became one of his fans. I was not only biking for GIANT brand, I was also biking with a spiritually giant, King.
I gain priceless experience and memory from this trip. If a physically challenged man like King can achieve such a great deed, what else can we say no? I also cherish this chance to see my beautiful country before I was leaving for U.S. This trip was being videotaped all way and there was a book about this trip as a forever memoir.
From that time, the biking trip always helped me in making friends for it was so compelling and unique; it even helped me to strike up a conversation with my girlfriend. It is an intangible medal that represents my pride and honor and will accompany me for the rest of my life.