2008-04-29 09:06:51肥雪

The Importance of Cultural Heritage Preservation for Future

What is cultural heritage?
According to the definition of United Nation’s Cultural and Educational Organization, Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.
Physical or "tangible cultural heritage" includes buildings and historic places, monuments, artifacts, etc., that are considered worthy of preservation for the future. These include objects significant to the archaeology, architecture, science or technology of a specific culture.
A broader definition includes intangible aspects of a particular culture, often maintained by social customs during a specific period in history. So to put it simple, anything that related to our living experience and has been viewed as a connection of affection over a period of time like dialects, buildings, paintings and even an old tree can be called Cultural Heritage.

Why we have to preserve them?
Think about it, most of us here are not born to speak English. We are taught to speak our mother’s tongues when we were young then we picked up other languages gradually. If one day these languages disappeared because no one ever speak them, it would be as sad as we forgot our origin. Once we forgot where we are form, how could we find the path to the future? In other words, to preserve cultural heritage is to preserve the memories we once share and the bond that link us to our beloved ones.

How can we do to help preserving?
As a former heritage preservation center officer, I have gained some hands on experience in preserving cultural heritage and they can be categorized into three major parts. First, we have to teach our kids to know the importance of cultural heritage preservation; it can be realized through our education systems and our daily life. Once we all treasure these heritages as our personal belongs, we won’t let others to destroy them. Second, laws of cultural preservation have to be established. We have to give legal protection in order to preserve them. Last but not least, intangible cultural heritage like language should be practiced everyday, though we are living in an English dominating century, the diversity of languages not only enriches the content of human civilization but also increases the joy of culture transition. It would be terrible if you can only purchase one kind of model of car, isn’t it?
To conclude, the reasons why we have to treasure and preserve cultural heritage is that we won’t forget our beloved parents so we are obliged to preserve things and customs they gave us and pass them on to the next generation.