2008-02-21 14:35:00肥雪

Green Days綠色的日子

I will never forget the last day in my military service, the path from the entrance to the office of enlistment and retirement seemed to be the longest road I ever walked. I slowly went to the lieutenant of enlistment and asked for FanShanLien , a certificate of accomplishment for military service. I shaken hands with the commander of my division and left the camp with the farewell of my company soldiers. When I arrived for the entrance of the camp, I looked back the camp where I spent one and three months of my life, knowing this is the last time in my life to look back, I started to weep.
“It is over. The torture and suffering has been over.” I told myself.
Have you ever been sent to a place where you had no acquaintance, you are deprived of your right to stand , sit , sleep and even breathe? It sounds like being put in jail, but it is much worse than that: it is military. My most uncomfortable experience is those days that I served in the ROC army.
In my country, Taiwan, all adult boys are required to take mandatory military service for one or two years. I joined the army as an immunity sergeant right after my graduation from university.
We had to barber all our hair before we enter the army, and some people even cried at the barbering square. After three months of basic fighting and shooting training, I was sent to one of the most toughest company in the army : the anti tank missile company.
The way they welcomed me was remarkable: I was asked to take off all personal belongings and stood under the sun several hours for no reason. I was not even allowed to drink and eat regular meals at the beginning weeks. I cried and even thought of breaking down at those nights. I had never been in such a uncomfortable place in my life. This is a place where superior bullies junior, upper threatens lower and bad triumph good.
My daily routine was tough: 150 push-ups , 3,000 kilometers running , 8 hours fighting practice under the sun and 2 hours of night patrol after everyone fell asleep. I lost 20 pounds in less a month and transformed myself from a joyful and positive boy to a silent and worn man. It is why I become solemn and thoughtful now.
It is amazing that I could survive those hardships. I tried everything to escape from there but in vain, I even tried to hurt myself so those bullies can’t hurt me. However, with all these efforts didn’t pay back but I became less and less hopeless instead. I turned to realize that the only way I could improve my situation was to change my attitude. After I talked to myself, I decided to make these days a memory of lifetime.
I worked so hard that sometimes I forgot to eat and drink. I always put soldiers’ welfare in front of mine like giving my food or holidays to them. I took care of other sergeants’ and platoon leaders’ jobs that I was assigned for jobs that only platoon leader were allowed to do like commanding the whole company including 40-50 soldiers come time and was awarded for getting good grades in rifle shooting. Before my retirement from the army, I got a recommendation letter from our division leader, a major general, for applying schools abroad.
These days in green uniforms did teach me a lot by showing how a boy transformed himself into a soldier and how raw material was polished into diamond. I learned a sense of honor and am proud of my deeds. This experience gained me much confidence because I think I can achieve anything since I have endured so many sufferings and succeeded. I also thanked God everyday for putting me there to see what hell is like. My lesson was simple but efficient: you will not learn until you get out of your comfort zone.

黃玠"綠色的日子" 歌詞:
綠色的日子 詞/曲:黃玠
雄壯威武 我在吶喊 毫無意義的123
雙腿麻木的搖擺 採著規律的節拍
這種日子幹林老師 還有幾個夜晚 我不敢想
腳下皮鞋擦的發亮 肩上的梅花閃著光
綠色迷彩完美偽裝 蓋不掉心理的骯髒
是不是咬緊牙關撐過這一段 我就能成為所謂的男子漢
我身上應該穿著什麼服裝 我腳下應該踩著什麼步伐
我如此努力的隱藏 你會更快樂嗎
每個星期四灌輸腐敗信仰 洗不去我心中的彩色幻想
如果心中有不快樂 就只能大聲唱

(精神答數)雄壯 威武 嚴肅 剛直 安靜 堅強 
      確實 速捷 沉著 忍耐 機警 勇敢
      1234 1234
