2004-11-20 15:17:19S.K.B


夜裡1點45分﹐情歌有一點點感傷﹐我打起了鍵盤﹐想要分心﹐卻忍不住月色偷偷地走來。"Here in the dark, in these lonely hours, I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power. But you won't ...Cause I can't make you love me." 這是她喜歡的歌。"Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart. Then you can start to make it better." 這是我喜歡的歌。然後是"But when I dream, I dream of you. Maybe someday dream will come true." 這是我們都喜歡的歌。

夜裡1點15分﹐我在聽著一張剛燒好的CD﹐裡頭有她喜歡的﹐和我喜歡的歌﹐燒在同一張裡﹐一直是我的希望﹐然後明天就寄給她﹐CD封面印著標題 ----“For Emergency Use Only”。如果她還記得那部電影As good as it gets﹐她應該會笑﹐而且笑得好~好。

這就夠了﹐我不需要再宣稱"When I fall in love, it will be forever"﹐或者附註PS I Love You。

1. I can't make you love me by Bonnie Raitt
2. Hey Jude by Beatles
3. When I dream by Carol Kidd
4. When I fall in love by Nat King Cole
5. PS I Love You by Billie Holiday