2010-07-11 13:00:08Martin.H

More Than You Would Know

More Than You Would Know

by Martin.H
Original: May 26, 2008
Revised: May 2, 2011

You do make me want to be a better man.

It is strange and peculiar, 
that thoughts of you drive out the best in me.
Sometimes I do wonder,
whether you feel as I do,
but tread those waters I dare not ponder.

Friendship has a sweeter taste; 
for it carries lighter loads.
Surely I could not bear to burden you 
with life's mundane chores, along our daily roads.

Soul searching as I may, 
it is inexplicable to feel this way!

I had planned to take this secret to the very end.
But that day you asked,
and I answered truthfully,
that yes, I once did cared for you. 
In more ways that you would know.

As the years wear on,
the ripples you once stirred 
have long been laid to rest.
But I have never told you,
and may never will,
that you are one of the few 
who truly can move my heart; cause a tingle in my chest.

No, it is not romance that I feel for you,
that part I am certain.
But I still would care for you,
more than you would know.

