2009-06-16 22:04:33汪汪
Target again!!
今天上完英文課時..... Mike 突然問我說....
"Wanda, why u were so quiet today?"
阿哩.... 我也沒有阿.... 只是把機會讓給其他人咪~~
那麼多人搶著回答.... 也不需要我啊!!
反正我知道答案就好了... 又不需要靠著回答來證實自己的答案是正確的....
加上頭有點不太舒服.... 還有下雨天也讓我的心情陰陰的.....
我至少還有主動回答一題呢!! 其它的我都讓給了我的夥伴了~~
看著Mike這麼認真的眼神.... 我只好回答....
"well... I guess it's my headache. I felt not so well today...."
"oh~ r u alright?? did u drink enough water??", Mike said.
"un... I'm not so sure... maybe... " with a weak smile.
"the weather like this season, u really should drink more water!!
not the thing u holding on", Mike pointed to my coffee.
"oh! this!! i just wanna wake myself up! so...... ^^"
but thx for ur concern!! i'll drink more water lol"
"take care, okay?"
"okay! i will!"
"see you next week, wanda!"
"see ya! ^^"
從沒想到,原來Mike這麼關心我.... 真讓我受寵若驚啊!! = ="
這樣似乎不太好.... 快點忽略我啦~~~ >///<
哈哈哈~~ i only want to be normal!! = =+
2009-06-17 12:49:23
那妳去說好了~~ 順便幫妳解解壓!! = =+ 2009-06-18 23:47:50
跟杜某說 X DDD
開個玩笑 畢竟期末考壓力太大 我都語無倫次了
哈哈哈~ 是這樣的嗎?! = =+那妳去說好了~~ 順便幫妳解解壓!! = =+ 2009-06-18 23:47:50
沒錯!! 錯覺唷!! >w< 2009-06-27 02:20:02