2009-06-05 04:17:26擁抱未知的每一天

Tonight, also lost sleep.

Tonight, also lost sleep.
Bothersome…Really very bothersome ......Many matters need to process. Outside rains, was tired at heart. Already several days, all night did not fall asleep. What doesn't have to rest, otherwise is rests suddenly wakes, what is doing!?
I require more time…I need more physical strengths…I need more spirits…I need ...... Wanted too many…Therefore wants not to be able to fall asleep!
God, you can lead me to move toward the correct path?
Can God, direct me a stable path?
God, I have been tired, the heart has been tired, the body is also tired.
God, this time, I must listen to your words. With along with yours step, and no longer heaves a sigh.
God, you are willing to accept me once more?

