2005-04-06 04:52:34豬閣閣



NEW QUARTER HAS BEGAN~ 我卻陷入到情緒的谷底﹐眼前有太多的事情需要我打起精神好好的做﹐可是我卻沒辦法全身心得投入...有時候真的很厭惡現在的生活﹐有種讓人窒息的感覺...不敢去想以後會怎樣﹐因為現在的我真的沒有把握自己可以繼續堅持下去....

好久沒來寫些東西了﹐這幾天看了一些朋友的MSN SPACE﹐心裡癢癢的也想要一個﹔本來昨晚已經差不多做好了﹐但當我需要寫些什麼的時候, I suddenly realized that I really had nothing to say...maybe i've been too busy and already forgot how to function my brain...plus, i know i won't keep up with it since everyone on msn will see and i really won't say anything real..so in that case, i really don't want to lie to everyone, especially, myself...cause i hate fake ppl....then, i deleted the space that i spent 2hrs to create...what a waste... :|

Guess nobody really comes to read my diary here for a long time, even myself..sometimes i feel so sorry for me...it's sad, huh? well..maybe that's why i can say whatever here and have no concerns about others whatsoever...i don't like xanga, nor msn..but i have such a strong feeling toward here...this is the most heart-touching place that one can gets so close with me and i can get so close with myself, or my soul...

Well, the best thing to do now is enjoy myself bah... :)

birdy :* my lovely diary...