2014-02-23 13:43:36裴法研
隊長 聚點滴新知成就小喜悅
part 1
在網路上讀到好文章,一個 小男孩無意中藉由家中牆上的電話,和"information please"建立了奇妙的問答關係
"why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage?"
"Wayne, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in."
當下,小男孩的情感得到安慰,而心智似乎一下子成熟了不少,後來又一次,話筒裡的聲音開啟小男孩另一層智慧,"Life is a journey, Not a guided tour"留下遺言的"information please"那名喚Sally 的長者,用這話讓已長大的男子徹悟,生命其實是無限寬廣且延續的,真的是"there are other worlds to sing in"
part 2
看到一部片子,其中有結婚典禮的橋段,在神父的見證下,新娘對著丈夫說出如下的期許"In our marriage, there's no steal no lie and no cheat, but if you must steal , steal only my sorrow,if you must lie , only lie beside me every night, if you must cheat , cheat to the Death"好棒的誓言,好美妙的語言的活用~