2006-02-21 16:41:55天際一邊

找個安樂窩 Setting Down-1

找個安樂窩 Setting Down-1

Billy:Jen! I’ve got to find an apartment soon. My new job starts in a month.
Jennifer:I can help you. It’s tough to find a good place in LA.
Billy:I know. I’ve already heard the horror stories.
Jennifer:Thank God for 1)Craigslist. It helped me find my place.
Billy:Oh, yeah! I heard about that from some 2)ex-pats in Shanghai.
Jennifer:Yep. They have Craigslist for cities all over the world now.
Billy:It’s the website that’s like online 3)classifieds for different cities around the world, right?
Jennifer:Yes. It’s where you find the best deals, and the best 4)steals.

比 利:阿花,我得快點找間公寓了。我的新工作再一個月就要開始了。
比 利:我知道啊。我已經聽過可怕的故事。
比 利:對喔!我聽一些旅居上海的人提過。
比 利:那就像是全球各城市的線上分類廣告網站,對吧?

1) Craigslist.網上租屋網站
2) ex-pats (n.) 旅居他國的僑民
3) classified (n.) 分類廣告
4) steals (n.) 划算的買賣,便宜貨