2007-07-12 01:34:40β = Betta


上班遲到 索性亂逛 看到了麥當勞叔叔 其實每天都看的到啦 麥當勞薯條 好好吃 yummy
老虎啤酒 就像是台灣啤酒一樣 應該是新加坡的國酒吧
飲料販賣機 我很喜歡 夢想再家裡放一個 小型的
這個屌 爆米花販賣機 五顏六色的爆米花 吃多肯定中毒

上一篇:Food in office


Ur gay ex bf 2007-07-31 19:23:47

u shoot my bf without my permission! & uve been seeing him behind my back hor. EVERYDAY u see him! im gona question him when i meet up with him. & U! stop seeing him. i mean it.

Oh~My God!! Here you are, finally!!
Yes, your boyfriend is having something with me, maybe you should question him. I think he will tell you everything, heehee..
I`m sorry, we can`t stop seeing each other, as you know.
You better watch out your boyfriend, or I think he will be crazy about me soon!!!
Hahaha..you retarded!! Cheers :)
2007-07-31 21:53:46