2006-06-11 15:38:37his baby
to keep
First half of the May
i was away
from him
i wrote down
With or Without
at the beginning of May
i thought we were gonna end
somewhere there
in May
he told me
*I hug you for a million years*
it’s years
not times
22-05-2006 06:41pm
Honey me not working today
coz me on course tmr :) muaks
24-05-2006 09:22pm
I am fine thanks
playing games with friends now,
what u doing
[missing si piggie]
24-05-2006 09:27pm
muaks muaks muaks
24-05-2006 11:15pm
Bet me on way home now,
what u doing?
[watching project runway]
cold shoulder here
24-05-2006 11:19pm
Wow heard its very exciting,
u must find it interesting
coz u love fashion rite :)
[replied with patient.
he was trying to
have a nice conversation
why detroy]
[then i knew
he lives in Block 932]
25-05-2006 12:22am
i miss u honey
gd nite huggies
[firstly i was tired
secondly i wanna give u a little punishment
which is - to miss me & feel guilty]
26-05-2006 05:32am
honey u so sweet muaks
[i woke myself up at 5am
then woke him up
coz he said
he was scared if he overslept]
26-05-2006 04:36pm
hello baby muaks
what u doing
26-05-2006 04:45pm
i think u worked harder than me :p
he didnt message me on 27th
i think
he didnt message me on 28th
i remember
then he saw me on 29th
didnt sleep after work
30-05-2006 12:07am
never slp
my men and me play risks dear
30-05-2006 02:17am
muaks good nite
[i want kiss kiss]
30-05-2006 08:07am
Yeah just ate too dear
now ironing my reservist uniform
[healers were going to his home]
30-05-2006 08:16pm
U will make a good wife someday :)
01-06-2006 06:08am
Thanks honey bunny
sleep tight muaks
[i woke him up at 5.30am
he woke up at 6am to go to boon lay]
01-06-2006 09:17pm
Honey miss u muaks
[then he fell on his bed zzz]
02-06-2006 10:08pm
Hi dear how r u?
what u doing now
02-06-2006 11:28pm
Yes i am ok dear
good nite muaks
He then had his reservist
on the 3rd day of June
to the 5th
I was holding my breath
not receiving any messages from him
to pretend everything is fine
03-06-2006 12:55pm
Now doing assessment.
I miss u muaks
talk to u later
04-06-2006 09:07pm
Dear how is ur day :)
05-06-2006 09:45pm
No i dun dear,
i am so tired i wish i can sleep
but a healer is coming to help my dad
so i must stay up
07-06-2006 01:19am
[i was sleeping with anger
with my msn nick: i dun need you anymore]
Good nite honey muaks
07-06-2006 02:26pm
Hey dear hows ur day so far
07-06-2006 02:54pm
Ur mum here rite?
she never cook? :p
dear go buy food ba
[dun talk to me la i dun wanna talk to u]
[I am sorry for being so childish. I miss you.]
08-06-2006 02:12pm
I miss u too :)
why were u angry at me dear
[Muacks. Coz i love u too much.]
08-06-2006 02:32pm
:) i am sorry,
u r very nice to me,
i am sad because my father is sick
and its making my mum n sis worry
08-06-2006 02:53pm
Thank u :)
u go play today k
me at work now
09-06-2006 07:54pm
Thanks baby
sorry just now talking to mum
she felt lonely and scared
09-06-2006 11:50pm
Good nite honey :)
i just saw poisedon and xmen 3
gog out to sea and watch world cup
09-06-2006 11:58pm
did the security man ask u buy the egg
10-06-2006 12:06am
Dear thats just the high light :)
match at one,
the boy laughing was it me :p
10-06-2006 12:16am
Hmmm oh no really started liao
10-06-2006 12:20am
Yeh watching :)
me so happy coz i am german fan
10-06-2006 11:58pm
Hi bet bet chu chu :p
11-06-2006 12:07am
:p my ship tv is illegal one lol,
muaks piggie tonight will sleep,
tmr i got things to do for my parents
11-06-2006 12:12am
I am at work :)
but i will take a nap later
11-06-2006 12:17am
I never see yesterday,
maybe too long,
yeah just sitting on my ship doing nothing
11-06-2006 12:22am
Tmr got to go buy grocery n bring dad go clinic,
hmm mum n dad went home huh
pat pat miss them,
i ate at bk just now turkey bacon burger
11-06-2006 12:28am
Partly at base partly at sea,
my base at, west coast near nus
i suppose to wear jumpsuit but i dun wear
because i look like monkey if i use the suit
[lol purple so cute.....forgotten]
11-06-2006 12:54am
Bet go sleep k muaks
11-06-2006 07:23am
Why u cant sleep dear?
me doing gym now
11-06-2006 07:27am
Why u laugh i really doing gym
[make me wanna laugh even harder man]
Muacks > 3< my piggie~* hehehee!
i was away
from him
i wrote down
With or Without
at the beginning of May
i thought we were gonna end
somewhere there
in May
he told me
*I hug you for a million years*
it’s years
not times
22-05-2006 06:41pm
Honey me not working today
coz me on course tmr :) muaks
24-05-2006 09:22pm
I am fine thanks
playing games with friends now,
what u doing
[missing si piggie]
24-05-2006 09:27pm
muaks muaks muaks
24-05-2006 11:15pm
Bet me on way home now,
what u doing?
[watching project runway]
cold shoulder here
24-05-2006 11:19pm
Wow heard its very exciting,
u must find it interesting
coz u love fashion rite :)
[replied with patient.
he was trying to
have a nice conversation
why detroy]
[then i knew
he lives in Block 932]
25-05-2006 12:22am
i miss u honey
gd nite huggies
[firstly i was tired
secondly i wanna give u a little punishment
which is - to miss me & feel guilty]
26-05-2006 05:32am
honey u so sweet muaks
[i woke myself up at 5am
then woke him up
coz he said
he was scared if he overslept]
26-05-2006 04:36pm
hello baby muaks
what u doing
26-05-2006 04:45pm
i think u worked harder than me :p
he didnt message me on 27th
i think
he didnt message me on 28th
i remember
then he saw me on 29th
didnt sleep after work
30-05-2006 12:07am
never slp
my men and me play risks dear
30-05-2006 02:17am
muaks good nite
[i want kiss kiss]
30-05-2006 08:07am
Yeah just ate too dear
now ironing my reservist uniform
[healers were going to his home]
30-05-2006 08:16pm
U will make a good wife someday :)
01-06-2006 06:08am
Thanks honey bunny
sleep tight muaks
[i woke him up at 5.30am
he woke up at 6am to go to boon lay]
01-06-2006 09:17pm
Honey miss u muaks
[then he fell on his bed zzz]
02-06-2006 10:08pm
Hi dear how r u?
what u doing now
02-06-2006 11:28pm
Yes i am ok dear
good nite muaks
He then had his reservist
on the 3rd day of June
to the 5th
I was holding my breath
not receiving any messages from him
to pretend everything is fine
03-06-2006 12:55pm
Now doing assessment.
I miss u muaks
talk to u later
04-06-2006 09:07pm
Dear how is ur day :)
05-06-2006 09:45pm
No i dun dear,
i am so tired i wish i can sleep
but a healer is coming to help my dad
so i must stay up
07-06-2006 01:19am
[i was sleeping with anger
with my msn nick: i dun need you anymore]
Good nite honey muaks
07-06-2006 02:26pm
Hey dear hows ur day so far
07-06-2006 02:54pm
Ur mum here rite?
she never cook? :p
dear go buy food ba
[dun talk to me la i dun wanna talk to u]
[I am sorry for being so childish. I miss you.]
08-06-2006 02:12pm
I miss u too :)
why were u angry at me dear
[Muacks. Coz i love u too much.]
08-06-2006 02:32pm
:) i am sorry,
u r very nice to me,
i am sad because my father is sick
and its making my mum n sis worry
08-06-2006 02:53pm
Thank u :)
u go play today k
me at work now
09-06-2006 07:54pm
Thanks baby
sorry just now talking to mum
she felt lonely and scared
09-06-2006 11:50pm
Good nite honey :)
i just saw poisedon and xmen 3
gog out to sea and watch world cup
09-06-2006 11:58pm
did the security man ask u buy the egg
10-06-2006 12:06am
Dear thats just the high light :)
match at one,
the boy laughing was it me :p
10-06-2006 12:16am
Hmmm oh no really started liao
10-06-2006 12:20am
Yeh watching :)
me so happy coz i am german fan
10-06-2006 11:58pm
Hi bet bet chu chu :p
11-06-2006 12:07am
:p my ship tv is illegal one lol,
muaks piggie tonight will sleep,
tmr i got things to do for my parents
11-06-2006 12:12am
I am at work :)
but i will take a nap later
11-06-2006 12:17am
I never see yesterday,
maybe too long,
yeah just sitting on my ship doing nothing
11-06-2006 12:22am
Tmr got to go buy grocery n bring dad go clinic,
hmm mum n dad went home huh
pat pat miss them,
i ate at bk just now turkey bacon burger
11-06-2006 12:28am
Partly at base partly at sea,
my base at, west coast near nus
i suppose to wear jumpsuit but i dun wear
because i look like monkey if i use the suit
[lol purple so cute.....forgotten]
11-06-2006 12:54am
Bet go sleep k muaks
11-06-2006 07:23am
Why u cant sleep dear?
me doing gym now
11-06-2006 07:27am
Why u laugh i really doing gym
[make me wanna laugh even harder man]
Muacks > 3< my piggie~* hehehee!