Come up to meet ya, tell you I'm sorry You don't know how lovely you are I had to find you, tell y...
Every when I fell asleep I wish I won't pretend to sleep Oh no, may be I am a freak Everytime whe...
賽程: 20040331: 1700 - 1900_足球_聯合道 2100 - 2200_足球_華富 20040403: 1900 - 2300_籃球_薄...
我到底是甚麼? 到底甚麼是我? 怎樣算愛? 愛算怎樣? 究竟想怎樣? 怎樣想究竟? 我討厭自己...
我坐在電車上,臉頰迎著冷冽的北風,捧著冒熱氣的燒賣,看著入夜後的跑馬地風景。 幸福,在一瞬間,變得...
Sunday is gloomy My hours are slumberless Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless Lit...
When you were here before, couldn't look you in the eye You're just like an angel, your skin m...
“ What makes Battle Royale so unique is the way it depicts the inherent conflict as existed between...
鑑於小弟聽得少,係大路架喇,吹呀。 1) The Doors Psychedelic Rock 的佼佼者。由毒品與幻覺建構的歌...
我站在牆上,沿著牆一直往前行。 我小心翼翼,既不踏出牆半步,也不要失去平衡。 我沿著牆走著,我不...
On every street there's a nobody who dreams of being somebody. He's a lonely forgotten man desperat...
Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Ci...
The word's on the street: you've found someone new. If he looks nothing like me I'm so happy for y...