2002-06-30 02:18:51貝爾
Welcome to The Innovative Professional's (TIP's) Letter!
Sunday, June 2, 2002
Written & Published by Philip E. Humbert, PhD
Visit our website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com
3: The Pause That Refreshes
I'm writing this with my computer on my lap in a "tea-
house" built about 100 years ago. I'm up on the second
story, in an open-air tower, surrounded by oaks and pines,
looking out on the deepest lake in Wisconsin. The sun is
sparkling on the water, the temperature is about 80
degrees, with a gentle breeze. Life is good!
Why do I share that with you? Because sometimes doing
nothing is the most productive thing you can do.
We live in a time of speed and hurry. The mantra of our
times is "better, faster, cheaper", and every day, in every
way, we are moving faster. United Airlines recently
replaced the Boeing 737's I used to fly between Eugene and
Denver with new "Regional Jets" that are 70 miles per hour
faster. They are smaller, less comfortable and noisier,
but none of that matters - they are faster!
In a world of hurry, many things get left behind, and some
of them are valuable.
When we hurry, sometimes we leave our health behind. We
hurry and our blood pressure soars, our tempers shorten,
and our digestion sours. We hurry, and sometimes we fail
to pay attention to the signals our body is sending us.
When we hurry, sometimes we leave our relationships behind.
We are rushing so fast we forget to read to our children,
or to have lunch with our friends. I wonder if it's a
coincidence that there are a thousand books on "better
sex", but few on "making love"?
When we hurry, sometimes we mistake fame or money for
success. If success is defined by the people we help and
the things we value, then many of us are in such a hurry
that we have apparently decided to postpone success for
Every year I come to Green Lake to sit in this tea house
and watch the days go by. Yes, I do some work. On some
days, people come for a seminar, and I do some coaching via
telephone, but for 11 days, I mostly read and write and
sit. I walk and ponder and take notes, and these are some
of the richest days of my life.
Now, I don't necessarily think everyone - or for that
matter, anyone - has to do it exactly this way. My best
friend has joined me some years and misses his family when
he's here alone. Others would find it's the wrong place or
the wrong time of year, or whatever. But, there is a
reason philosophers and high achievers have always
recommended personal retreats.
Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. Mohammed and
Zarathustra and Buddha spent time alone. Gandhi once said,
"I have so much to do today, I must spend twice as much
time in meditation." I'm told Bill Gates has a home on the
Olympic Peninsula that he uses as a personal retreat for a
week every three months.
John Bradshaw talked about the distinction between a "human
doing" verses a "human being". There are times when we
need to stop "doing", and take time to just "be". We need
time to define ourselves, to review our goals, to notice
the things that we truly value, verses the things that have
simply crept into our lives. We need time to make
informed, smart choices.
As a culture, most of us have plenty of money, but not much
time. As a culture, most of us have plenty of opportunities
and education and freedom; too we often lack wisdom and
perspective and direction.
For most TIP's subscribers, this is the beginning of summer.
With longer, warmer days, use some of them to sit by a
lake or in the shade of a tree. Watch the sun cross the
sky and ponder where you really want to go, what you truly
want to do with your life. Live wisely so that, at the end
of the trip, you can look back and say, "I did it well."
4. Quotes of the Week
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without
vision is a nightmare."
-- Japanese Proverb
"What we see depends mainly on what we look for."
-- John Lubbock
"Between thinking and seeing, there is a place called
-- Carolyn Myss
"Your mind can only hold one thought at a time. Make it a
positive and constructive one."
-- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
5. Strictly Business: Using Your Best Stuff
This week, I read the great book, "First Break All The
Rules", and it makes the obvious point that the best
companies and the best managers achieve success not by
improving their weaknesses, but by capitalizing on their
Talent is a fascinating and subtle thing. It surprises us,
and there is no way to fake it. Only real "talent" gives
us the extraordinary edge that brings joy, passion and
something "extra", and we all know it the moment we see it.
We see it in a Michael Jordon or a Michael Jackson. There
are dozens of talk show hosts, but we all know there is
only one Oprah, no last name required. She is simply,
unquestionably, the best.
In the Portland airport there's a man who's job is to herd
tired, frazzled fliers onto commuter planes. We wait in a
crowded, stuffy room for the little turboprops that take us
on the last leg home. People are sullen, stressed, holding
it together. And here's this guy, laughing and joshing,
loving his job. He flirts with the girls, asks the
salespeople about their trips, promises the anxious a
smooth flight, and tells everyone we'll be home for dinner.
He is, quite simply, extraordinary at his job! Talent, in
the right job at the right time, is obvious!
Find what you love to do, the thing that comes naturally,
the thing that excites and stimulates you. The thing that
challenges or intrigues you, and do THAT! You'll be
happier, your clients, customers and employers will see the
difference, and your future is assured.
There is no substitute for excellence, and excellence is
easy when you're doing what you love, what you enjoy, the
thing you were "born to do". Sometimes, it's difficult to
tease it out, but it's worth the search. Do what you love!
(To buy, "First Break All The Rules", from Amazon use this
link. They delivered mine in 3 days!)
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0684852861/philiphumbert ">Click
6. Resources You Can Use:
The Road to Riches,
With Dr Philip E. Humbert
This July, issue your own "Declaration of (financial)
Independence"! One of the great responsibilities every
adult faces is handling money well. We live in a time of
great wealth and opportunity. All around us people are
starting businesses, making commissions, investing well and
retiring rich. And yet, in the midst of plenty, many of us
are missing the boat! Unfortunately, managing money is not
taught in school. Saving and investing does not come easily,
and waiting for "someday" is not a viable alternative! Take
action! If it's time to control your finances, make smarter
choices and keep more of what you make, this is the place for
you! Get the info, sign up and join us!
http://www.philiphumbert.com/Riches.htm ">Click
To YOUR Success!
By Dr Philip E. Humbert
I mentioned using audio programs to turn your car into a
"university on wheels" and want to remind you of my own 2-
tape program. Whether you're exercising, walking the dog
or commuting, you can't afford to waste that time! Use it
to stimulate your thinking, expand your horizons, set your
goals and improve your performance! This is just too good
a thing to miss!
http://www.philiphumbert.com/YourSuccess.htm ">Click
Coach Yourself into Action:
How to Get What You Want with 7 Simple Strategies
By Mary Lou Johns
I was introduced to Mary Lou by my friend, Mershon Bell,
and Mary Lou was kind enough to give me two copies of her
new book. I started it on a plane and was immediately
hooked - I read it straight through! It's simple, powerful
message is compelling and extremely practical. I gave both
copies to clients, who loved it, and one of them wrote, "this
is the most helpful thing you've given me as my coach!" It
is a great book! The key to success is ACTION, and Mary Lou
can help you put your plans and strategies into action.
Get there! Buy this book directly from Mary Lou at:
http://shop.blueskycoaching.com/merchant.ihtml?step=4&pid=764&AffNo=79831701 ">Click Here
THE E-Commerce Solution For YOUR Website
For years I wanted a SIMPLE, safe and trustworthy shopping
cart system. I finally found Don Schnure and his
integrated system! Hurrah! I checked him out, took
advantage of his offer of a 30-day free trial, and never
looked back. The system works! If you want to add e-
commerce to your site, this is THE system you're looking
for! Whether you are selling e-books, tapes, classes,
consulting, or simply want to do a better job of marketing
your site and services, Don can help. The cost is an
absolute bargain, the peace of mind is worth more than the
cost, and the profits can be phenomenal. Check it out:
http://www.1automationwiz.com/app/default.asp?pr=29&id=24110 ">Click
7. Humor: How To Write Good
Periodically, I'm asked for tips on writing, so I'm
pleased to pass on this collection of rules and
suggestions from my friend and colleague, Ann McAllister.
1. Always avoid alliteration.
2. Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
3. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
4. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.
5. Remember to never split an infinitive.
6. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.
7. One should never generalize.
8. Comparisons are as bad as cliches.
9. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary;
it's highly superfluous.
10. Be more or less specific.
11. Who needs rhetorical questions?
12. One-word sentences? Eliminate.
13. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
14. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
15. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.
16. Writing carefully, dangling participles must be avoided.
17. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
18. Don't never use a double negative.
19. Verbs have to agree with their subjects.
20. Don't overuse exclamation marks!!!!!!!
Be kind to yourself and to someone else, and have a
wonder-FULL week!
Philip E. Humbert, PhD,
Resources for Success!(tm)
President, The Philip E. Humbert Group, Inc.
Shameless Marketing TIP:
Dr Humbert is a professional coach, author and popular
speaker. Ready to achieve more? Imagine what's possible
with a coach! For info and over 250 pages of tips,
tools, humor and resources for your success, visit:
http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click
Copyright (c) 2002, all rights reserved.
U.S. Library of Congress ISSN: 1529-059X
You may copy, forward or distribute TIP's if this
copyright notice and full information for contacting
Dr Philip E. Humbert are included. Contact him at:
www.philiphumbert.com or email Coach@philiphumbert.com.
Please forward this copy to your friends and colleagues!
That's how we grow! Anyone can subscribe at:
http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click
To SUBSCRIBE, send an email to:
majordomo@philiphumbert.com with
"Subscribe tips-list (your email address)" in the message,
or visit: http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click
To Cancel your subscription, send an email to:
majordomo@philiphumbert.com with
"Unsubscribe tips-list (your email address)" in the message,
or visit: http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click
NOTE: Replying to this email will NOT be seen
by a human. To change your subscription you
must use the addresses above or visit our website:
http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click
Sunday, June 2, 2002
Written & Published by Philip E. Humbert, PhD
Visit our website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com
3: The Pause That Refreshes
I'm writing this with my computer on my lap in a "tea-
house" built about 100 years ago. I'm up on the second
story, in an open-air tower, surrounded by oaks and pines,
looking out on the deepest lake in Wisconsin. The sun is
sparkling on the water, the temperature is about 80
degrees, with a gentle breeze. Life is good!
Why do I share that with you? Because sometimes doing
nothing is the most productive thing you can do.
We live in a time of speed and hurry. The mantra of our
times is "better, faster, cheaper", and every day, in every
way, we are moving faster. United Airlines recently
replaced the Boeing 737's I used to fly between Eugene and
Denver with new "Regional Jets" that are 70 miles per hour
faster. They are smaller, less comfortable and noisier,
but none of that matters - they are faster!
In a world of hurry, many things get left behind, and some
of them are valuable.
When we hurry, sometimes we leave our health behind. We
hurry and our blood pressure soars, our tempers shorten,
and our digestion sours. We hurry, and sometimes we fail
to pay attention to the signals our body is sending us.
When we hurry, sometimes we leave our relationships behind.
We are rushing so fast we forget to read to our children,
or to have lunch with our friends. I wonder if it's a
coincidence that there are a thousand books on "better
sex", but few on "making love"?
When we hurry, sometimes we mistake fame or money for
success. If success is defined by the people we help and
the things we value, then many of us are in such a hurry
that we have apparently decided to postpone success for
Every year I come to Green Lake to sit in this tea house
and watch the days go by. Yes, I do some work. On some
days, people come for a seminar, and I do some coaching via
telephone, but for 11 days, I mostly read and write and
sit. I walk and ponder and take notes, and these are some
of the richest days of my life.
Now, I don't necessarily think everyone - or for that
matter, anyone - has to do it exactly this way. My best
friend has joined me some years and misses his family when
he's here alone. Others would find it's the wrong place or
the wrong time of year, or whatever. But, there is a
reason philosophers and high achievers have always
recommended personal retreats.
Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. Mohammed and
Zarathustra and Buddha spent time alone. Gandhi once said,
"I have so much to do today, I must spend twice as much
time in meditation." I'm told Bill Gates has a home on the
Olympic Peninsula that he uses as a personal retreat for a
week every three months.
John Bradshaw talked about the distinction between a "human
doing" verses a "human being". There are times when we
need to stop "doing", and take time to just "be". We need
time to define ourselves, to review our goals, to notice
the things that we truly value, verses the things that have
simply crept into our lives. We need time to make
informed, smart choices.
As a culture, most of us have plenty of money, but not much
time. As a culture, most of us have plenty of opportunities
and education and freedom; too we often lack wisdom and
perspective and direction.
For most TIP's subscribers, this is the beginning of summer.
With longer, warmer days, use some of them to sit by a
lake or in the shade of a tree. Watch the sun cross the
sky and ponder where you really want to go, what you truly
want to do with your life. Live wisely so that, at the end
of the trip, you can look back and say, "I did it well."
4. Quotes of the Week
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without
vision is a nightmare."
-- Japanese Proverb
"What we see depends mainly on what we look for."
-- John Lubbock
"Between thinking and seeing, there is a place called
-- Carolyn Myss
"Your mind can only hold one thought at a time. Make it a
positive and constructive one."
-- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
5. Strictly Business: Using Your Best Stuff
This week, I read the great book, "First Break All The
Rules", and it makes the obvious point that the best
companies and the best managers achieve success not by
improving their weaknesses, but by capitalizing on their
Talent is a fascinating and subtle thing. It surprises us,
and there is no way to fake it. Only real "talent" gives
us the extraordinary edge that brings joy, passion and
something "extra", and we all know it the moment we see it.
We see it in a Michael Jordon or a Michael Jackson. There
are dozens of talk show hosts, but we all know there is
only one Oprah, no last name required. She is simply,
unquestionably, the best.
In the Portland airport there's a man who's job is to herd
tired, frazzled fliers onto commuter planes. We wait in a
crowded, stuffy room for the little turboprops that take us
on the last leg home. People are sullen, stressed, holding
it together. And here's this guy, laughing and joshing,
loving his job. He flirts with the girls, asks the
salespeople about their trips, promises the anxious a
smooth flight, and tells everyone we'll be home for dinner.
He is, quite simply, extraordinary at his job! Talent, in
the right job at the right time, is obvious!
Find what you love to do, the thing that comes naturally,
the thing that excites and stimulates you. The thing that
challenges or intrigues you, and do THAT! You'll be
happier, your clients, customers and employers will see the
difference, and your future is assured.
There is no substitute for excellence, and excellence is
easy when you're doing what you love, what you enjoy, the
thing you were "born to do". Sometimes, it's difficult to
tease it out, but it's worth the search. Do what you love!
(To buy, "First Break All The Rules", from Amazon use this
link. They delivered mine in 3 days!)
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0684852861/philiphumbert ">Click
6. Resources You Can Use:
The Road to Riches,
With Dr Philip E. Humbert
This July, issue your own "Declaration of (financial)
Independence"! One of the great responsibilities every
adult faces is handling money well. We live in a time of
great wealth and opportunity. All around us people are
starting businesses, making commissions, investing well and
retiring rich. And yet, in the midst of plenty, many of us
are missing the boat! Unfortunately, managing money is not
taught in school. Saving and investing does not come easily,
and waiting for "someday" is not a viable alternative! Take
action! If it's time to control your finances, make smarter
choices and keep more of what you make, this is the place for
you! Get the info, sign up and join us!
http://www.philiphumbert.com/Riches.htm ">Click
To YOUR Success!
By Dr Philip E. Humbert
I mentioned using audio programs to turn your car into a
"university on wheels" and want to remind you of my own 2-
tape program. Whether you're exercising, walking the dog
or commuting, you can't afford to waste that time! Use it
to stimulate your thinking, expand your horizons, set your
goals and improve your performance! This is just too good
a thing to miss!
http://www.philiphumbert.com/YourSuccess.htm ">Click
Coach Yourself into Action:
How to Get What You Want with 7 Simple Strategies
By Mary Lou Johns
I was introduced to Mary Lou by my friend, Mershon Bell,
and Mary Lou was kind enough to give me two copies of her
new book. I started it on a plane and was immediately
hooked - I read it straight through! It's simple, powerful
message is compelling and extremely practical. I gave both
copies to clients, who loved it, and one of them wrote, "this
is the most helpful thing you've given me as my coach!" It
is a great book! The key to success is ACTION, and Mary Lou
can help you put your plans and strategies into action.
Get there! Buy this book directly from Mary Lou at:
http://shop.blueskycoaching.com/merchant.ihtml?step=4&pid=764&AffNo=79831701 ">Click Here
THE E-Commerce Solution For YOUR Website
For years I wanted a SIMPLE, safe and trustworthy shopping
cart system. I finally found Don Schnure and his
integrated system! Hurrah! I checked him out, took
advantage of his offer of a 30-day free trial, and never
looked back. The system works! If you want to add e-
commerce to your site, this is THE system you're looking
for! Whether you are selling e-books, tapes, classes,
consulting, or simply want to do a better job of marketing
your site and services, Don can help. The cost is an
absolute bargain, the peace of mind is worth more than the
cost, and the profits can be phenomenal. Check it out:
http://www.1automationwiz.com/app/default.asp?pr=29&id=24110 ">Click
7. Humor: How To Write Good
Periodically, I'm asked for tips on writing, so I'm
pleased to pass on this collection of rules and
suggestions from my friend and colleague, Ann McAllister.
1. Always avoid alliteration.
2. Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
3. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
4. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.
5. Remember to never split an infinitive.
6. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.
7. One should never generalize.
8. Comparisons are as bad as cliches.
9. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary;
it's highly superfluous.
10. Be more or less specific.
11. Who needs rhetorical questions?
12. One-word sentences? Eliminate.
13. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
14. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
15. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.
16. Writing carefully, dangling participles must be avoided.
17. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
18. Don't never use a double negative.
19. Verbs have to agree with their subjects.
20. Don't overuse exclamation marks!!!!!!!
Be kind to yourself and to someone else, and have a
wonder-FULL week!
Philip E. Humbert, PhD,
Resources for Success!(tm)
President, The Philip E. Humbert Group, Inc.
Shameless Marketing TIP:
Dr Humbert is a professional coach, author and popular
speaker. Ready to achieve more? Imagine what's possible
with a coach! For info and over 250 pages of tips,
tools, humor and resources for your success, visit:
http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click
Copyright (c) 2002, all rights reserved.
U.S. Library of Congress ISSN: 1529-059X
You may copy, forward or distribute TIP's if this
copyright notice and full information for contacting
Dr Philip E. Humbert are included. Contact him at:
www.philiphumbert.com or email Coach@philiphumbert.com.
Please forward this copy to your friends and colleagues!
That's how we grow! Anyone can subscribe at:
http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click
To SUBSCRIBE, send an email to:
majordomo@philiphumbert.com with
"Subscribe tips-list (your email address)" in the message,
or visit: http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click
To Cancel your subscription, send an email to:
majordomo@philiphumbert.com with
"Unsubscribe tips-list (your email address)" in the message,
or visit: http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click
NOTE: Replying to this email will NOT be seen
by a human. To change your subscription you
must use the addresses above or visit our website:
http://www.philiphumbert.com ">Click