2006-09-25 01:26:35卑斯
下一篇:MP3 Player
Awww....I have already turned into one....since I last visited Italy....haha....red wine is too good to miss =P A friend of mine did get a chance to taste an 80 years old red in his class (Why don’t we have classes like this at UofT?!)
I wish they sell more comics/novels here....Boston’s Chinatown is ridiculously small....I really miss HK/Toronto~!
hey, you’re now in Boston. When will you be back home?
2006-10-08 22:31:29
對葡萄酒有興趣也不是太差, 最少會激發你多賺錢的意志 ^_^
I’ll be rich. Yes.
2006-10-08 22:30:03
Dunno ar ..><.. planning to come back Christmas/New Years in 2007/2008....but I have very limited number of holidays, so dunno if that will happen.
Believe it or not, the Chinatown in Boston....aiii....dunno what to say....it has only 2 Chinese grocery stores. So forget about comics or chinese magazines....there is technical NOTHING here. I really miss Toronto, particularly T&T Supermarket, and really missing HK, for the first time in a long while.
Luckily....I was still spared with the 美心月餅 (my favourite), and the sweetest thing about being away from HK is that, the 月餅 always go on sale after 中秋節....got mine for 13 bucks HOHO
Did you have a chance to spend 中秋節 in HK with your family? I miss all the fruits, the glow sticks, and the beach - our family always go to the beach on 中秋節~!