2008-07-31 20:11:11*DoRiS*

Give it a TRY

Yesterday I talked to Allen,
and I was pursuaded to delete HIS msn address & phone no..
I really DID!!! and now I’m trying to forget HIM.

Actually, maybe I just don’t like him that much at THIS moment.
There are no feelings now.
I wonder what I was thinking before?
How could I be hurt that much?

Maybe I just have nothing to do.
If I have applied for NTU or sth,
I might have no free time to do such a stupid thing.

      ”Let’s Hurt Each Other.”

No! Just say No! to it.

Now, my EX has a great change to win my heart back.
(and he JUST called!!!! How coincidental is that!!)
He was worrying that I would be playing the PC
and chatting with other BOYs. > <
I’m now a bad girl in his eyes.
Alright! That’s fine with me.
Coz I truly am a bad girl.

Everything’s unknown in the future,
but ”Anything New Is Great.”
Maybe I should TRY?!
I’m kind of afraid that the result would be bad
and I would be hurt again.
And the worst thing is that
”in the end, I might find out the best man for me is still HIM.”
OH! How sorry is that!