2004-08-09 05:22:24尚未設定

Diario 6

Aug 2nd, 04 1200
Last night Guido 又係我度訓, 做愛做到4am…. 6:30am便起床返學…唔… I miss the morning kiss…. 不過佢今晚11:30就走喇… 走去New Zealand, well…咁當然係分手喇… 我地都唔會keep long dis. 而且當佢回來智利的時候, 我都走喇. 今天下著大雨, 好像連上天也為我們感到傷心. 唉…好傷心, 他終於都走了.

Aug 3rd, 04 2300
今天沒辦法concentrate in school. I miss him so much…. And he arrived there, and talked to him through msn, 他告訴我他也很想念我….we talked for long…. And we just found out that we are actually in love…. Very very in love…..很掛念他.

Aug 5th, 04 2200
Counldnt eat and sleep these days, I feel terrible, I miss him like hell, and I just talked to him. He said that hez the same….他也很想念我 and he got his return ticket and hez flying back next Monday…… I cant believe it….他真的要回來嗎? 我知道他討厭智利, 不過他告訴我hez back with me…. It doesn’t matter since I am here. 有一點兒心痛, 因為我不會為任何一個人留下在一個地方因此我也不希望有人會為我而留下一個地方. But I am still happy anyways… cant wait to see him soon.

Aug 6th, 04 2300
Today is my 18th birthday, a friend told me that the 18th birthday is an omen of ur future, which means things that u do today will decide most of ur future. For example if u are stuck home all day on ur 18th birthday then the rest of ur life, u will mainly spend ur time stuck at home. So today I got up late for skool (I didn’t do that on purpose), I got to skool at 930am but since I didn’t wanna take philosophy and literature, I went to a coffee shop, actually I was planning to go to the cyber café but it was too early so I walked into the coffee shop next to it and had my breakfast there, I had a cup of tea with milk and a sweet pie. It was a sunny day, beautiful day. And I talked to the worker there and yea… he gave me his email and thing, my friends from skool kept calling me, asking when I will be there. So I got to skool at 1030am and everyone came to hug me and gave me presents as well… well then they wouldn’t let me in the class so I had to wait down there. I was then brought up anyways, they bought a cake, chips and there were balloons and things. Well then yea… we had a mini party for 2 hours almost then we had maths class… the teacher didn’t do much and that was it I mean, I finished skool at 100pm, no preuniversity today so then I went home, got changed, took my dc and left the presents home. I took the bus and got off in Vicuna Mackena con Alameda and walked along Pio Nono and arrived at San Cristobal. I went up by funicular and got up, itz beautiful… I really wish to show u guys, I mean the mountains with snow on top, it was a sunny day and u can see everything clearly, there were clouds and fog… itz spectacular. I bought 2 postcards and I am not planning to send it to anyone though, cos I am gonna save them for myself, stick them in my diary. Yea… and well… I went up to the virgin and itz even more beautiful there, the place is quiet, not much trees, u can see the whole view wifout anything blocking. I sat there for awhile and walked to the other side where the cable cars are, there is a restaurant so I had lunch there, I sat outside and ordered a cup of tea with milk and a chicken sandwich. I was looking at the mountain top and sky… I made my goal. And I felt great alone, I had my time to think alone… calmly. It was cool. I then went down by the cable cars and walked alone Pedro de Valdivia Norte and went to downtown. I went to my fd’s pub. Had a short chat and well… it was cool….

Aug 7th, 06 2000
A big b-day party here today… we ate, we drank , we talked, we laughed, yea… and they all left except Alvaro, my old friend from another class and hez quite negative all the time. Hez a homosexual and he thinks a bit negative, I dun know… due to his life or family problem maybe. Anyways, hez here… leaving at 2am maybe…. Another good day.