2007-10-26 21:37:32練習英文俱樂部

Turning point in my life

  The turning point in my life was after I graduated from junior school and rnter the senior high school.
  When I was in jinior high school, I was very lazy. I did not like to study hard. I hate Chinese, Math and many other subjects. I always slept durning the class, and always blamed by my teachers. Every teacher told me that if I wanted to enter a good college, I had to to enter a good senior first, and if I wanted to enter a good senior high school, I had to study hard, but I did not follow what they said. I fool around all day. However, after i graduate and go to senior high school, I suddenly realized that if I wanted to get a good job and lots of incomes, I had to go to a goo college. So I set up my mind to study hardat that time. Since then, I have always stayed up late and go to cram school everyday.
  This turning is very important to me in my life, I hope I can keep studying hard and get a good grades in the college entrance exam, so I can choose the best college to study in.