2007-10-21 23:27:21練習英文俱樂部

A mistake that I learn from

  Alcohol causes of a serious mistake. In my memory, when I was

a 18 years old, I met her in a pub. That was my first in a pub.

I was totally excited. I thought that girl was charming. First, I

just draw near her and tried to chat with her. Fortunately, we got

along well and had same hobbies. We drank a lot and all the things

looked perfect at that moment.

  Needless to say, I slept with her. I didn’t know the course

at all. I did not know even what her name was. Maybe she was a

nice person but I didn’t really know; basically we weren’t

acquainted with each other. Nonetheless, I am going to be a

father and the girl who I met in the pub is the mother. I am just

18 and she is 19. We are both young.

  After this terrible experience, I realize that alcohol can

let a person tell apart which is right. The mistake that I made

cannot change anymore and the only thing that I can do now is

to be a good father. 阿茂超人