2010-07-27 09:43:21陳小柏

Japan~See you.-3

  • Third Day:07/20(Tue.)

This day we went to Miyajima(宮島).And this place is my favorite in this week.

<We would take a ship to Miyajima.>


<I was on the ship.>

Getting off the ship, we saw lots of deers on the street. They are tender and cute.  I like this natural view.


It is said that the sea level will rise and the water will cover the land.




We were outside the temple and prepared to go indide.The temple is one of the World Cultural Heritages in Japan.


I found our former president's name(李登輝). But maybe they are different people.


Some people were praying inside.





We were buying the famous food there.









It is said that  the spoons they produce are very famous.



After visiting the temple, we took the ship back.



Our lunch~lunch box?!


In the afternoon, we went to Iwakuni(岩國).


The white snakes are very famous. I think the snakes have become the god to protect local people.


We took the cable car to the old castle.


I took the pictures of the fantastic view from different directions on the top of the castle.



Inside the forest, it was very cool.


The old castle~


In a store, there are 100 different kinds of ice cream such as ginger, soysauce....... 


After eating our dinner, we didn't come back to Fukuoka until 22:00pm.


<dinner~tonkatsu with curry>


At that night, I met my great Japanese friend--Teppei


上一篇:Japan~See you.-2

下一篇:Japan~See you.-4

Vine 2010-07-27 18:42:52

你國際化得太恐怖了 Orz

只是嘗試用英文打網誌而已XD 2010-07-30 11:19:12