2005-11-11 17:40:17babyhead


I went to a movie with Leo the other day. On our way back to my apartment, he told me that he was really happy for me ’cause every time we hung out, he could feel the overflowed happiness within me. Then I told him, "Yes, I am indeed very happy." I am glad that I decided to come to Yuanlin to teach and that I made some good friends here. Life here is nothing like my old life in Taichung. Even though I don’t have much to do after work, I do enjoy the time at school. I would go to 田尾 to buy some pots and flowers and this would make me happy all day long. I would have a cup of coffee with a fellow teacher and this would make me feel happy. With a cup of coffee’s time, gloominess would disppear without a trace. Last Sat, I met a fellow teacher and her class in Taichung. I joined them and had a wonderful afternoon, talking nonesense, grabbing some junk food, having the most delicious drink that I had ever had--Heniken Green Tea. And I felt extremely satisfied and jovial. I don’t know I can be this happy and contented until now.