2005-11-11 17:35:14babyhead


Recently, I have been in a unbalanced state. I dont’ know why I am so bitter and sour at school. I have no problems with my students or my teaching performance. However, the idea of going to school and the fact that I have to work extra hours on Saturdays get me real down. I mean, I am just a human being. I am physically fatigued after my apprently overloaded teachign hours. I desperately need a rest. Not a single person in charge can see this. All they want is to please the students’ parents and the principal by asking us teachers to sacrifice more. This is not fair at all. Not at all. They said, "Glory, you’re young and single." So what?! This doesn’t mean that I don’t have my personal life.I don’t have to take care of my family. But I want to grow spiritually. I want to serve in my church. I want to do more meaningful things with my limited time. But what they want is to abolish my rights. Cant’ stand all this. Vulgar! Truly sick and tired of this school.