2006-09-19 19:23:27ౄ 吳夫人☻*
**boRed ミ☺
soMe peoPle ThinK oneselF
infallIble veRy mUch
likeS behiNd thE others
speaKing veRy much
▒ , ミ yOu May noT Know lIke tHis
haS injuriEd the other People
ゞ 。 you poSsibly tHink
imMediately hAppy amUsing
buT you dId Not knoW does
this Fundamentally does
not haVe the aDvantage
☞ ,’
【perhAps uNder Individual iS you】
♫ ::, aLso may noT be uNcertain
but do not Be hapPy too eaRly 。
 ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉ ̄﹉
obviouslYall is the Classmate
or the Good frieNd ♫  ̄๑ ̄`
ޓ ,, whAt necEssiTy dOes thiS (?)
{♣} ¸
what Do I maSter yoU to tHinK(?)
ஂhoWever you caNnot sTop to
tHis Kind of weAk behaVior (?)
上一篇:☺ 有人放臭屁 =))
下一篇:{☺}` 笑奌爆多 ♫ 。
拜託,寫英文 誰看的懂 妳又不是美國人
被你打敗ㄟ 臭屁噹....
就是要你多讀書拉 ︿︿*
怎樣哩!慢慢去翻譯吧! 2006-09-20 17:53:14