2007-03-24 23:03:24

December Night (& Bizzare love triangle, & web)

有些音樂,你一聽就知道是my cup of tea


December night是屬於前者,Bizzare love triangle也是屬於前者



this is a love song for you and me, on this cold cold winter night wish you are with me....
Every time I see you falling, I’ll get down on my knees and pray....

淡淡的,憂鬱的感覺 that’s still my cup of tea

December night -黃小楨

saw you standing there in the crowd tonight
your smile would just carry me away to a flight
into the sky, above the clouds
the stars would all shine bright in my heart
this is a love song for you and me
on this cold cold winter night wish you are with me
so I pray and pray that you’ll be mine
and I’ll be yours for a long long time

saw you standing there in the crowd tonight
your smile would just carry me away to a flight
into the sky, above the clouds
the stars would all shine bright in my heart
this is a love song for you and me
on this cold cold winter night wish you are with me
so I pray and pray that you’ll be mine
and I’ll be yours for a long long time

this is a love song for you and me
on this cold cold winter night wish you are with me
so I pray and pray that you’ll be mine
and I’ll be yours for a long long time

Bizzare Love Triangle >> 跨台閱讀: 未命名的1984的天空
written on 2007-01-29 11:19:44


