2006-08-14 04:47:52MOn ; Black ﹡

謝 * 2

(Pic) 一隻牛 = =

嘉譽 妳真的很智障 = = ”
不過 很謝謝妳 ! ^ ^
說好唷 ! 早上要陪我去走走 :D

過度期阿 .. 其實我沒想到 ..
為什麼會有過度期 ?!

zz ..

有誰能解釋 = = 為什麼會有過度期 ?!
前面好 中間壞 後面恢復

啥東西阿 ?

Wants to bond , but I actually not to dare to say = ="
Is not familiar with very much the present like this ..
You as if have not made anything very to be difficult > <”