2004-11-11 21:34:14AS


2004-10-21 a bit cool

0620 woke up, still early, take minibus to st buy bread, 0725 Joan come, said she need to sch prepare morning assembly and left... 0730 Ken's arrive, then 0735 Aggie join, 0740 BM join...(5 mins interval, 拍戲咁...) 0750 go to sch...econ quiz...geog watch movie...Lunch as Ken need to meeting with House comittee, leave me alone...eat with 5 girls, 87 they all get many dim sum back and 食唔晒...then c a begger, and use a lunch box to pack them up, take to the begger la, but the begger rejected! so -_-||| la then...on the way sch discuss whether the begger is 以退為進, 又話我地見佢一話唔要就算佢就勁慘, 眼見一大合點心冇得食呀咁...LOL! PE lesson practice 標槍... AS go ST with fh, Aggie Joan and KEN, forgot to take the 趣談, phone meko and BM to take for me. Then Joan leave 1st. Go M sit, do hw and chat...1830 BM come, 1900 fh leave and 1945 Aggie and BM leave. Dinner in M and Ken have to leave eariler. 2000 buy file with Ken and go home by minibus...