2004-08-16 11:34:12AS


2004-08-13 Sunny

Boring morning, sit in front of the computer and type diary, wait for the call from boss to c if I can continue to work or not, yesterday's work is just like a quilification.

noon, abt 1.30, call back to ask whether I can work or not, she need me to go back to the office at 2.@@ 30 mins remain...immedaiatle call KENCHOI la, and go!

Finally, late for 2-3 mins...stick sticker again and this time, $6/疊...work form 2-6 just earn $48--" then she call us to do another job at night.

升職~ 6-10 work as a supervisor(QC), $22/hr!

Today earded:$48+$88=$136