2012-12-08 09:12:59香港成立公司程序

Strengths of Setting up Business in Hong Kong

Strengths of Setting up Business in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has been regarded as global freest economy by Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation for many years. Its superior location, sound legal system, simple tax system, developed information, high-quality personnel and free circulation of goods provide maximum convenience for all kinds of industries to develop business. At present, it has ranked as one of the world's major business and banking service centers. Setting up business in Hong Kong, you can enjoy a lot of convenience.

Sound infrastructure protects efficient business operation

Infrastructure facility is one of the significant features making Kong Hong well-known around the world. World class transport facilities by air and by sea, such as international Airport, international cargo flights, container terminals, provide various sectors for global trade with a series of shipping, freight forwarding, logistics and other related services. Meanwhile, it is located in the heart of the Asia-Pacific region, the hub of global economic development. Many multinational companies choose to set up regional headquarters in Hong Kong to co-ordinate and centralized management of transnational business.

Hong Kong also has an advanced telecommunication infrastructure. With the liberalization of international telecommunications services market, the communication costs are declining, which provides maximum convenience and cost savings for investors of frequent traveling.

A simple tax system minimizes costs

It is one of the areas in the world with simplest tax system and lowest tax, attracting many investors. There is no capital gains tax or divided withholding tax required for doing business. And also use territorial source principle of taxation to tax only on profits or income operating in Hong Kong.

Fair and transparent legal system protects business

It is also one of most convenient and reliable ones for global business environment, with transparency and openness of sound legal system and completely independent judiciary. HK SARG welcomes foreign investment, treats the local companies and foreign enterprises equally, carries out minimum intervention and non-subsidy policy and provides fair business environment for interested companies.

Free economy provides unlimited opportunities

As one of the world's most open and externally oriented economic systems, its maintains a policy of free trade, no trade barriers and no limit for foreign or offshore investments, the deployment of capital flows, as well as the ownership of international currency, etc. There is no tariff, tariff quotas or surcharge for general import and export trade. And the restricted products are also limit. The highly liberal economic environment attracts investors around the world and creates more business opportunities for companies setting up business in Hong Kong.

If you have any concerns on setting up business in Hong Kong or Hong Kong company incorporation, you can contact Conpak at any time. We will be more than glad to share you more information.
If you need more information on Hong Kong Company FormationIPO in Hong KongTrademark Registration,Hong Kong TaxCorporate Finance, etc, welcome to contact with Conpak CPA Limited http://www.conpak.com.
Tags:company formation,trademark registration