2004-05-26 17:58:17Ariel

Meet Mrs. Rosemary

Today is a remarkable day, I meet a person who is on my top 5 desired

people to meet list… Mrs, Rosemary Ho…..the most powerful women in IT

industry in Taiwan.

She is Managing Director and General Manager of Hp, Taiwan, and she is

the one to turned HP into more efficiency and profitable company when Hp

was having trouble in merging with COMPAQ.

You can easy found the sense of humor from the conversation she had with

IBM or Foxcon, very funny and smart woman.

Her visit to my office is the most excited thing than ever. I am more

like her after met her and see how she act and talk, very charm and

attractive women.

Have her signature on my HP PAD and made her remember my name, haha,

even shake hand with her……..gees, today must be my lucky day. :-)